University of Denver Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about University of Denver? Why?


I think that the University of Denver advertises itself to be more of an academically selective school than I think it is. I was under the impression that academic standards would be a little bit higher than they are, but I still find myself surrounded by people who do not exert very much effort when it comes to their studies. Students expect a lot more lenience from their professors with respect to grades and also expect opportunities to be handed to them. I think there should be a higher standard when it comes to success and excellence.


There is very little intelectual discussion outside the classroom. Greek life is very big and most of the socializing revolves around greek parties and social events. Without generalizing, I find a lot of students to be very shallow and sheltered with very little exposure to the rest of the world in a cultural and economical basis. Although the school has a working campaign to promote diversity, the student pospulation is very homogenueous in terms of ethnicity, race and socio-economic backgrogund. A lot of students lack curiosity towards the rest of the world and even current issues in this country.


After my first quarter at the University of Denver, the only thing that I consider to be the worst thing is the library. It is kind of out of date and doesn't offer much technology wise to help. I enjoy the rooms and space Penrose offers but as a whole it would be nice to update.


I cannot honestly provide only 1 worst thing about my school. It would be a tie between two things- the lack of diversity and the cost of attendence. To make matters worse, in regards to cost, it seems that much of the students' money is spent on unnecessary additions/alterations to the school and greek life (even when the student is not involved in greek life).


The worst thing about the University of Denver (U of D) and more importantly The Women's College (TWC)is that there is not enough on-line courses that can fulfill the obligations of a degree program. Being a traveler, I would liked to have seen more on-line courses so that my physical presence at the institution would not be necessary for me to claim my education and receive my degree. In our increasingly electronic world of today, and with the resources I feel that the U of D has at their disposal, on-line courses should be offered.


I'm not sure actually. There are so many things I love about the school that it is hard to pick out something I don't like. I would say the worst thing was the orientation. I transfered to the University of Denver this fall, from a local community college. Since I had already been in school for two years, I had the college experience pretty figured out. I also am an older student, so I have life experience. The orientation was a complete waste of time! I felt like I barely learned anything.


You must put yourself out there in order to make friends, if not you will not have any lasting friendships throughout your college career.


The worst thing about University of Denver is that there is nothing wrong with it! University of Denver leaves no room for complaint.


DU is very focused on making money which makes for a somewhat hostile relationship between administrators and students. My school nickels and dimes at every turn. For example, we are charged a $107 student activity fee because apparently that is not covered in our quarterly tuition of $11,868. They also recently created a policy that prevents students from stacking scholarships. For example, if a student is awarded $15,000 from DU and $9,000 from the busniess school then DU reduces their scholarship by $9,000 so the student still only ends up with $15,000.


The worst thing about my school is the lack of socioeconomic and racial diversity. Most everyone who attends this school comes from an upper class family and the few that dont are not really as active in the school.