University of Denver Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about University of Denver? Why?


The worst thing about my school is the amount of rich kids that are there. Coming from a middle class family that didn't brag about money, it was hard to go to a school where kids spend money freely and without being stressed . I worked hard to get to DU and have to be careful with my money since it is an expensive school, but in the long run I know my hard work will pay off. While it may be the worst thing at my school, it has shown me all types of lifestyles.


They don't have a standard to offer the student scholarship. Not fair enough for international student to get the scholarship.


The worst element of my school is its lack of inclusive excellence because The University of Denver is not very diverse.


The worst thing about DU is the cost. Even with financial aid, it's expensive to attend, which is really important to consider because it's easy to rack up debt and difficult to pay it off after graduation. If you are a MINORITY apply for all the scholarships and aid you can! There are so few minority students here that they have a huge advantage when it comes to financial aid.


Again, the lack of diversity. It is hard to find kids in the same boat as myself (not upper class partiers).


I think that the worst this about this school is the money that is so prevalently here. The classes and the school itself is a very expensive school. I do not come from a wealthy family, I am paying for school with my own earnings and loans. So with people here flaunting their wealth, I think that it brings down the view of the community of the university down in some eyes.


The University of Denver boasts an initiative to increase the diversity of the university, but their tactics to encourage students of diverse backgrounds are a bit deceiving. It is a nice small community of the diverse student populations, but a unified campus is more ideal. All of the Greek Life participants are from rich backgrounds and most of them are Caucasian students, allowing little opportunity for minorities to get involved in traditional Greek Life. DU is trying to increase diversity, but doing that will still leave the rift between the two student populations.


To be utterly frank, DU caters far too extensively to its athlete population. They can quite literally fail classes, and the coach can override their failing grades by talking to the right people in the registrar's office. While this is most visible with the famous hockey team, it undeniably exists for all varsity athletes. It's a level of corruption that disgusts me.


There are only really two things i would improve at my is diversity. Sometimes I feel a little alone being one of the few hispanic in the dorm. The other aspect of my college i would change is school spirit. While alot of student attend hockey and lacrosse game other sport rarely get attention. Also there has been on going dispute on the school mascot for years.


I don't think there are a lot of opportunities to meet new students. There are not many clubs and extra curricular activities for students to get involved in. If there are, then they don't do a very good job promoting them.