University of Evansville Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about University of Evansville?


When talking to my friends, I brag most about the accredited athletic training education program I am in. It is one of the best in the state, and only 12 students are selected each year to participate. Our original class consisted of 12 students, and I am currently 1 or 9 left in the class of 2012.


I tell them that it has a great atmosphere and the people are amazing, faculty and students.


Just the same old same old. I tell all my friends how much I love my classes - some of them - and how cool the professors are. I also talk about how pretty the campus is and the people here.


how nice the people are and how well laid out the campus is as well as which subject each building mainly houses


It is a small school but it is Division 1 and the small environment gives UE a great community feeling. The largest class/lecture I have been in was about 60 students. I love being able to walk around campus and recognize most of the students.


That I had a lot of really amazing life changing experiences that I never would have had had I gone to my state school.


When I tell others about the University of Evansville, I tell them how personal and friendly the professors and staff are. I have enjoyed getting to know Physical Plant workers and housekeepers during my time here in addition to the professors and administration. It is also incredibly easy to get involved at this school, and when you do, you have so many amazing opportunities to meet people and to make contacts that will benefit you later in life.


The great opportunities offered through the school for study abroad and internships. Also the helpfulness of the professors and the overall friendliness of the student population.


One of the best qualities of the University of Evansville is the faculty. My teachers have taught me so much, and not just about academics but about life also. Most of my teachers put in a lot of effort to relate to the students and show us that they are always there for us when we need them. They are very approachable and I feel like they genuinely care about my education. Because all my friends and family live in Texas, I brag to them how much I feel at home and comfortable here because of the friendly faculty.


How sccussufl the theatre department is.