The fall 2020 acceptance rate for University of Evansville is 70%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
I would tell myself to work harder on getting scholarship. Procrastinating is not good. It only sets you up to rush, panic, stress out, and in t urn you don't do your best. I would tell myself to learn how to organize my work and to learn time management. I would have told myself to join more clubs like SGA and to participate in more activities in my community. Read, read, read.
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
The worst thing about this school is that it requires all freshmen to take a writing class their first semester known as First Year Seminar. I understand that this is necessary for those who did not do much writing back in high school. However, there are many of us who took college-level composition classes for dual credit (which costs money). Because we are still required to take First Year Seminar, the class and the money do not count toward anything.
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
My school is best known for its tradition.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
How to get ahold of more money!
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Describe the students at your school.
Classmates are friendly, and since it is such a small campus, everyone knows everyone. Therefore, it's easy to know everyone in your proposed major and classes. This makes it easy to have study partners and to find help when you need it.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
I tell my friends that the classes are so small and learning-centered that professors know when you're absent (your grade is even affected). Professors are easy to contact, whether in their offices or via e-mail. Our faculty genuinely cares about its students and wants us to succeed. They seem always willing to write recommendation letters, give advice, or just chat. I even dogsit for one of my professors.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
Cazenovia is very small close-knit community that does not have much going on during the day, at night, or on the weekends because most of the students leave to visit other colleges to have fun or go home when there is not class.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
Some students where completely insencitive of the needs of other students living in the same dorm. They play loud music after 12 a.m., drink alcohol and vomit in the restrooms, and yell down the hallways during final exams.
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What's unique about your campus?
The University of Evansvile's best quality is the community feeling of campus. Professors and students are willing, and do, take significant actions to better the experience for both parties and people are conscious of the benefits of a positive and constructive environment that is also readying those involved for life past college.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
Students that should not attend this school are students who do not want to be acadmically challenged because it is a very challenging school.
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What kind of person should attend this school?
The type of person who should attended this school is someone who is driven, focused, and willing to spend a little extra money in order to achieve the career of their dreams. They should also have a postive attitude, be hard working, and be willing to go with the flow or possible changes that can occur while achieving their academic dreams.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
My school is unique because of the close-knit community that is present. Since we are a very small school their is a large amount of school spirit and you are able to get to know all your professors and fellow classmates. It truly is a personal college.
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
I absolutely love the University of Evansville. I am originally from Arizona so the university is my second home and I love it. Evansville is quite smaller than the city that I am from but that is fine with me because the university offers several events throughout the year such as laser tag, ice skating, and a new movie every Thursday night on campus. The University of Evansville is small but that is why I chose to attend. I wanted to actually know my professors and to feel like I was accepted as a real person not some number that is spending a lot of money. When I tell people that I attend the University of Evansville the reaction I get most of the time is, "What? Where is that?" but I then tell them that we are the school that had the plane crash in the 70's that killed all of the basketball players. At that point most people understand the pride I have for my school. I personally spend most of my time split between my room, the library, and class. I like to study in a lot of different areas and the University of Evansville gives me the choice to choose where I would like to study. The school's administration is very nice when you are a prospective student they know your name and where you are from but once you attend UE they forget your name unless you do something terribly wrong or extremely good. Which I can understand since they spend most of their time meeting prospective students. The one experience that I will always remember is during my freshman year my university invited a hypnotist to perform for the freshman. He was so good, I will never forget what some people did and how deep they got into the hypnotism. Overall, I definitely love the University of Evansville because it is my second home and I will never forget my experiences here.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
The biggest stereotype of students at my university is that we are all rich and stuck up. This is not true at all. University of Evansville boasts about our Volunteering programs that are year round. We are very involved in the community whether it is the greek's philanthropies or spending a morning doing a campus wide volunteer project. Finally, almost every student who attends the university has a scholarship and is proud about the work that they have accomplished to earn that scholarship.
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Why did you decide to go to this school?
I decided to go to the University of Evansville because it felt right to me. Something that has always been important to me is equal opportunity, and I felt like every student at UE had the same opportunities to be involved, in and out of class. I also felt welcomed and accepted, which were important to me, and more than anything, I just felt comfortable. The people that tell you you'll just know when you get there are right.
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
The most popular organizations tend to be athletes (Student Athlete Advisory Committee), greek life, and clubs within your major. I am personally involved with women's soccer and the Student Athlete Adivsory Committee (SAAC), Students of AMF, Physical Therapy Club, Exercise and Sport Science Club, National Society of Collegiate Scholars, and the National Society of Leadership and Success.
In the dorm life, students have the option of leaving their door open. A lot of students do leave them open unless they are studying.
Athletic events for men's athletics are VERY popular. Since we do not have a football team, our men's basketball team is the most popular sport and the most fun to attend.
Fraternities/Sororities make up 30{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the population so they are a big impact on the university. It's a great way to get involved and meet new people.
There are tons of things to do on the weekend besides drinking. There are usually theatre events going on, game nights, athletic events, or group gatherings that do not involve drinking (especially since we are a dry campus). You can always find something to do and have fun with!
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What are the academics like at your school?
Being a small school, if your professor does not know your name, then you have never been to class. After the first week or two of classes, your professors normally know you by name. They will talk to you outside of class and ask you how you are doing with everything. If you are involved on campus (whether in athletics, theatre, greek life) the professors normally know.
Being a private school, the expectations are usually higher so students study based on their major. If you are a science based major, you are normally studying a lot more than a business or education based major. Class participation tends to be a big factor in a lot of classes.
Students at UE are very competitive especially with the continuing education programs we have (Nursing Program, Physical Therapy Program). These programs are designed to be competitive and only take the best students possible. There are only 40 spots available - and although there isn't a huge student body (roughly 2,500 students), a lot of the population comes to UE for these programs specifically.
The education received at UE is intended to help you get the best job possible in your field and help you be ready to start a career. There are so many services and help from the staff that it is very easy when you graduate to have a job/career already set up.
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