University of Evansville Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about University of Evansville? Why?


How isolated it is from downtown and does not have could public transportation.


The worst thing about attending UE is the amount of money it cost to go here. I love the education that I get and I feel like I can't get this type of experience anywhere else. But sometimes I feel discouraged to stay here because of the cost and debt that I have and will continue to incur over the years. My family is not in the position to help me out at all, due to the fact that my single mother is disabled with MS. Also, my father is disabled and has not been apart of my life.


The worst thing about UE is that some of the students are from small towns, and not open to new experiences.


Not enough things around it to do in free time


Cost and spending, because the administration tends to have superfluous spending which, in turn, raises the tuition.


Most of the social life revolves around the greek system and that all the guys are ugly or gay.


I do not like how small it is. When someone did something that weekend everyone knows about it. I really do not like how much it cost to go to my school. I am going to be broke by the time I get out.


Living in tiny rooms with a person you don't know and forced to be their friend.