Be more responsible and attend class!
My mother graduated from the University of Evansville and has always instilled in me the importance of getting a college education and degree. When I chose UE, she felt assured I would receive a phenomenal, well-rounded, challenging education. In many ways, she was probably more excited than me. It wasn't until I was half-way through my first semester that I realized the value of the education I was receiving. Not only am I learning skills needed for a future career, but I am growing as a human being in my beliefs and values each and every day I am on the University of Evansville's campus.
A great employee is one dedicated to their job and has passion as well. One without the other makes a mediocre or even a lacking employee. Both, however, makes an employee exceptional. For me, college has been about discovering who I am and what I am meant to do to benefit the world in which I live. I feel that college has led me in the right direction not only in choice for a career, but I have learned to understand that passion is vital in whatever it is I do.
College has been the greatest experience so far. It has given me the opportunities to find out who I really am and who I am capable of being. Personally, I feel like college is going to shape me in to who I am supposed to be. Although challenging, it has pushed me farther than I ever thought I could go and I am so grateful for that. I have grown so much as a person in my few short months on campus. College has also given me the opportunity to meet the most sincere people that I know will be life-long friends. Aside from that, being on my own has made me more independent. I know I will continue to grow inside and outside the classroom. I value my education much more than I ever have. In high school, the only thing I thought it was preparing me for was college. Now that I am here I know that college will prepare me for all the obstacles I will face in the future, and for that I am grateful. I guarantee I am a better person already simply because I decided to go to college and further my education.
The college experience has been nothing from what I expected. I was warned about how intense college was going to be compared to the easy ride of high school I had. So I caved in and believed every word and was absolutely terrified. In the end it was not as scary as I thought, it definitely is a challenge, but it is one that is manageable. I feel lucky to have taken the baby step into a community college so that I can first gain the experience that will help me strive in a university setting. It has been extremely valuable to attend for that reason, the ability to gain the knowledge of what is expected out of me as a student of higher education will be crucial when I transfer. It is also preparing me for my future by placing me in a school with people of all ages and classes that are academically challenge. I know with a college education my chances of being successful increase and as difficult as it may be, the experience is a rewarding one when it comes to being able to engage and interact with the small class sizes in my community college.
My college experience was truly a gift. I made lifelong friends and it really set me up well to apply to graduate school which I am currently in. I felt important in small classes, my teachers were all exceptionally intelligent, and I got the definition of a liberal arts education. I was able to minor as well, and travelling abroad was definitely the highlight! Evansville owns a manor house in England that looks like a castle. I feel like I attended the best of the best in my field and the people made it an experience ofa lifetime.
College has given me a completely new perspective of life. I went to a state-funded, advanced placement high school for my junior and senior year of high school. We lived on campus, made lots of new friends and studied hard. All the late nights and hard work landed me at a fantastic college with a program that my future will benefit from. Many people say college is supposed to be where you meet your best friends, and that there is time to have fun and not worry too much about your post-graduation life. I disagree with this. While college is a great place to meet people and have fun, I believe it's more about going where you want in life. By being at the University of Evansville, I have been provided a future that I can already see clearly and begin to grasp. Going to college is a privilege too many people take advantage of and waste. I don't plan on wasting mine. My college experience has made me fully trust in my work ethic and personal beliefs about what activities waste time and which help me to get ahead.
My college experience has been great because I was able to do a lot of things that some of my friends at bigger universities couldn't. I was able to study abroad in Europe at Harlaxton College which is the school's bristish campus. They paid for my education while I was away. I have met so many people that will be valuable in my future and have gotten a chance to experience more than the average college student. My university has been very open and very kind when it came down to my academic needs. They cared very much about what I wanted out of the school and what I planned to do after college. They really want to see you succeed. I have made progress at this school every since I've been here and have learned so much about myself in such a short amount of time. I plan to graduate on time and show others why the University of Evansville is such a great place to be. I was able to meet people from all over and share my experiences with them and then formed everlasting bonds. I'm still friends with them to this day.
I have met so many different people since I have started college. I come from a small town, so the diversity here in a bigger city is refreshing and interesting. I love learning about new things, whether it is in class or shopping with new found friends. I know that out of all of the schools I applied to this was the best choice. My major is hard to come by, but there are so many knowledgeable professors and upperclassmen that can help me with any question I have. This is also a semi-small campus, so it is easy to get to know your professors and your classmates. Also, I am not too far from my hometown, so I can still see my family and friends on weekends and breaks, but I am far enough away for the exhilarating sense of independence that you get from college. Knowing that I am in charge of my life and what I do with it is probably the most exciting thing I have ever felt, and I know I made the right choice for my life by attending school here.
I have learned a lot about myself since coming to college. I have learned that I can handle a lot more than I thought I could. I don't feel like the sheltered little Catholic girl who does not really know how to handle the world around her. I am becoming my own person, becoming exactly who I want to be. The knowledge I have gained about myself makes attending the University of Evansville invaluable. I also am learning a lot about the teaching profession from professors that used to be, and on occasion still are through substituting, teachers and school administrators. They know the field, and they know the constant changes being made to the education system that they can pass on to their students.
“Have fun, study hard, and do your best” my mom and dad have told me since my first day of Pre-School. Now in college, four hours away, nothing has changed except that I have learned more in the past four months than any other years combined. I am only a freshman at the University of Evansville but what I have gotten out of my college experience has been great. Out of my college experience so far, I have learned a great deal about responsibility and the importance of friends, family and my education. When I do not see my family often it is a moment to cherish when I do. Also, I have grown up because of living on my own. I have met many people who are helpful to know when trying to apply for jobs. I am getting a better education than I could have gotten at other schools in the area. All of the faculty and administrators make sure their students are receiving the best help on any problems or questions they have. They truly care about each and everyone one of us which has made me value my education more.