University of Evansville Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of Evansville?


The most frustrating about attending the University of Evansville is being a minority. I went to a high school with mostly African American students, and this univserity has the exact opposite. Being the only African American student in most of my classes forces me to be the voice for my race as a whole. It is hard because I cant classify the people if my race all in one group, which is difficult for others to understand.


I love my school. I haven't found anything that frustrates me thus far.


The most frustrating thing is when one profressor won't email back. My dorm doesn't have AC so it gets hot . The classes are very challenging.


It was very espensive


The most frustrating thing about my school is the gym equipment. A great deal of the student body is health conscience and with a gym not very accommadating to a large amount of people it can be frustrating when an individual is intending on using free weights or cardiac machines.


We have a brand new building for meal services, but the actual is not the best tasting.


The most frustrating thing about UE is probably the fact that it's very, very hard to make friends unless you have a pre-established clique. Everyone is so busy and focused on their future careers and keeping their grades up, people tend to make friends just with people in their own specialty.


The lack of care that my academic advisor has shown me.


The most frustrating thing at this school is that some of the professors are here for studies and experiments rather than to make sure students are learning. They only teach their class in one way and that is it. Some of their office hours are pretty limited also.