University of Florida Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at University of Florida?


That UF students are stuck up. That UF students have more anxiety because of academic policies set forth.


Drink all the time, have sex all the time, stuck up, smart


That U.F. is a party school.


It is so big no professor will know your name.


Very smart and boring.


Big party school, but the students are definitely committed to their school work- so i guess party hard, and work hard


I am a pre-professional student, so as far as stereotypes for pre-med, phar, dental, vet students I feel that the stereotype is that they are extremely conpetitive, to the point of not wanting to help peers when they have questions in subjecs like organic chemistry, biology, and physics.


All I've heard is positive stereotypes. For example, we are known as a football school, which is true. Everyone at UF loves the football program as well as the rest of the sports. But football is by far the biggest deal. Tickets are always sold out and for rivalry games tickets can get expensive. As far as the student body, the only people that hate are prom rivalry schools. Sometimes they'll call UF students stuck up or what not. Also, another stereotype is that we are a big party school.


I've heard some stero types that we are nerdy, and have ugly girls. That we don't party as hard as FSU.