University of Florida Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend University of Florida?


People who are lazy or do not put in the effort required to achieve their degree. The academic input needed to excel in this school can be very demanding, those who do not wish to put much effort should not attend this school.


People who are immature, lazy, rude, dangerous, and who is not self motivating.


Do not attend this school if you're not willing to put forth the extra effort to do well.


The person that shouldn't attend this school is a person that does not want to work hard. A person that is lazy and thinks that they can wait until the last minute to do their work. Also, a person who does not have Gator pride and isn't focused.


Someone that is not willing to take changes should not attend this school. The University of Florida offers so many great opportunities to improve yourself and make a difference in the world. Students who do not love life or who are not compassionate about other people should not attend UF. The feeling of being a Gator is contagious. Its a sense of belonging and worth. Our academics are outstanding and our sports teams are amazing. Someone that doesn't feel compelled to take action and enjoy these things, should attend a different school.


One who can not embrace diversity; UF is known for it's diverse student body which encourages students to enteract with those they wouldn't normally. Also UF is very academically competitive so someone without proper study habits will greatly suffer!


Someone who prefers the liberal arts or other majors that do not involve the applications of math, science and technology should not attend this school. Anyone who does not know how to use computers, is poor at math, and/or unwilling to work extremely harder than their peers does noes belong at this school.


People who are not ready to be placed in a large scale university or be challenged academically. The school is very good when it comes to the sciences and the worlk load is nothing short of the program's reputation. In order to attend you must be willing to work for what you deserve as well as be able to handle the stresses of moving to such a largely populated school.


Students who are not motivated to work hard on a regular basis and put in a lot of time and effort to ensure long term success in the career of their choice! The Univeristy of Florida is not for slackers or people who are not highly motivated! You should not attend this school if you do not have a strong drive to grow as a person and as a student, or if you do not have a desire to broaden your horizens through numerous academic and social ventures.


High academic achievers who can stay focused with numerous distractions around. You must be willing to emerge in campus life through some sort of involvement in order to get the most out of the college experience.