University of Florida Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Florida know before they start?


When choosing the right college, the most important thing is to visit the campus itself when it is in session. It is important to feel the atmosphere of the university because that, more than anthing else, affects how your first year of college will go. When visiting the campus, the campus tours are nice, but a college is not in the way its buildings look or how nice the libraries and computer labs are, but in the attitude of the students who use the buildings and libraries and computer labs. When visiting, its important to find a good place in the middle of campus and simply sit and watch the students go by. Gauge the topics of their conversations and from that, more than anything, you can truly understand the atmosphere of each school. Because all the numbers and nicely built buildings that they throw at you during tours is nice, but it is really the attitude of the students that you will go to school with that will either make or break your first year college experience.


College is one of the most important and most fun experiences in life. It should not be taken lightly and it should not be rushed through because once you are done you will not have a chance to go back. When deciding on the right college you first need to decide what is important to you as a student. Are you fully academic focused? Do you want a wide variety of options for extr-curricular activities? Do you want a place where you can make lots of friends? Or do you want a place where the classes are small? You have to ask yourself all this question weight them by importance and see which college has all the things you are looking for. Once you actually pick your school and start attending everything that you deemed important to you start taking full advantage of them and search for what else the colleg might offert that you may have missed. You might be surprised at what you find. Don't ever be close-minded about anything. If you do that you will never gain the full college experience and you will definately regret it later one in life.


The easiest way for all students to maintain an appetite for success is by enrolling in extracurricular activities and community service. Personally, I hold a higher regard for students who wish to help others and their communities over themselves. Test scores and grades are important, but our nation has reached an era where making a difference in the community makes you stand out from the crowd. Also, challenge yourself. Apply to a few of those out-reach schools, because you do not know how they go about choosing students. I regret not choosing my dream school for the reason I didn't beleive in myself. Now I know I would most likely have gotten into that school. I had the grades and effort they were looking for. Well-Roundedness is the key to getting into any college, not matter its ranking nationally!


visit the campus and the place you're most likely going to live in. research the rankings of the programs you may go into.


My advice to any student and/or parents seeking the right place for higher education is to choose a college atmosphere or campus that suits the student, so long as it doesn?t exclude or inhibit a desired area of study. If you are like me you will change your major more than once, so it is often more important to feel comfortable with where and how you are learning rather than what you are learning. One can excel in any type of education and future career when they have received a quality education in an environment that stimulates sound learning, deep and creative thinking, and preparation for the future. For some that will be a small, private college and for others a larger university, but that is why it is equally, if not more important to match the college to the student rather than the major.


You (the student) needs to decide what is right for you. Let your career path influence you on where you want to go to college. Research the college and use that information to make the right decision. Pick somewhere where you will have fun as well get a great education!


In general, if you want the best for you out of live, you must have an open mind that is unconditionally willing to venture out to not only consider, but to also try new things. This is the best advice that anyone can give about life and making the most out of your college experience. From the time you begin to consider about possible college choices, you need to have an open mind that is willing to consider options that may not be the popular choice. It is important to quickly learn that the college that was catered to your parents or best friend may not be the choice for you. You have to be willing and brave enough to step out on your own; the risk is worth it! Once you?re in college, you?ll be surrounded by new people, new cultures, and new point of views. Have an open mind and be willing to listen, be willing to learn. That is what your college experience should be all about ? learning, not only in lecture halls but in everyday life.


none, just dont worry they'll be fine. College life is a learning experence and there is alot of learning that goes on at this college.


Don't get your heart set on a particular institution based upon its supposed laurels. Often times in the college selection process can involve heartbreaking rejection: take this rejection in stride and have faith that you will end up where you are meant to be, and, once you are there, you will get out of this experience what you put into it. Every campus has a niche where you will thrive, and every course has something unique to offer you. Soak up the experience, for you are only here for a short time, and these will be the best years of your life.


Look for scholarships. Once in college be involved but remember that grades are THE most important factor.