University of Florida Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Florida know before they start?


College is a learning experience. When I first got to college, I thought I knew what I wanted to do, but as I soon learned you really do not know what you want to do until you have experience at least a semester in college. It took me my freshmen and sophomore years to figure out that I wanted to be an Occupational Therapist. Before I even made it to college, I wasn't sure where I wanted to go, but you always pick the college that has the best opportunities for you like scholarships or paid tuition. Parents need to let their kids pick their college on their own because it's a part of independence. To make the most out of college join as many clubs as possible and apply for honors. I am in Delta Epsilon Iota and Mortar Board and have met very powerful people through these organizations.


It is absolutely inadvisable to slack off during your first year in school, no matter how easy it may be to do. Friends are easy to find, and getting lost of campus isn't as much trouble as you think it is going to be. People will tell you to try to get to know your professors. This is good advice, but much harder to do that you might think because many of them are intimidating and busy almost all of the time. Faking interest in a subject does not work for very long in college. Be sure you're doing something you enjoy. There is an extra-curricular group for EVERYTHING and you are NEVER the only person who's "into what you're into". College is huge. You'll love it, and you'll hate your homework more passionately than you ever thought possible.


Picking a college or university is one of the biggest decisions that anyone will make. When choosing a school the student is the most important factor, not the parents. Who you want to be, how you want to get there and in how much time are all wrapped into what school one decides to attend. As much of a pain it might be, a student shouldn?t base their choice on those of their peers, some friends grow apart and being at school with them only makes it harder. A schools reputation should and shouldn?t be taken into account. On one hand others will judge you by the leader head on your degree, but if the school has the characteristics that the student wants by all means follow your heart. Choosing a school should be based on academic research and gut feelings, not the input of others even though everyone will want to have a say, only listen to yourself and what you need and want.


As a senior at the University of Florida, the best advice I can give to students is to breathe and let your experiences while at college guide your decisions. Very seldom do students come to college knowing exactly what they want to do (and lucky them!) and students should not feel pressured to decide on their career path immediately! In high school, students have a much narrower view of the world and the job opportunities available to them, and they must realize there is so much more to be exposed to once they join a college community!


I would tell prospective students to remember to always keep an open mind. College is about stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new things that you may not have gotten the chance to otherwise. Meeting new people is extremely important because college is the time when you make the friends that last throughout your life and develop connections with people you may not have associated with in high school. Every person and every opportunity that presents itself offers a new perspective that can only help you grow as a person.


Check out the school and get a feel for whether it is a good fit or not.


Go somewhere that you feel comfortable. Unless you know you want to be far away, I suggest a campus two hours away from home. Don't room with your best friend just because they're your best friend and don't trust everyone you meet. Enjoy your classes, and choose a major that challenges, but intrigues you.


I believe that the most important part of making the correct college choice, involves visiting all of the schools that you are considering. Upon my visit to the University of Florida, I felt the energy and excitement of Gainesville and the Gator Nation, and knew that it was the school for me. I never felt at home at other colleges that I visited, like I did when I took a trip to Gainesville, Florida. Once here, I have done what I can to make the most of my college experience by attending the little things that other people do not pay attention to. Whenever I hear about a guest speaker or a free concert, I attend, knowing that opportunites like this will not always be around.


The advice that I would give to students is to do research about prospective colleges before choosing. Making a list of qualities you want in a school can help to narrow the choice. Some qualities are campus size, classroom size, tuition, distance from home, and national ranking. After narrowing the selection, choose the college that you can see yourself in as well as choose one that will better able you to reach your educational goals. Once you?re at the college of your choice be sure to be actively involved around campus. Being actively involved allows you to fully benefit from the college life because you will be able to take advantage of internships, scholarships, etc. For parents, I would say, be supportive of your college student because being a college student can be very demanding, not only financially but it can be very emotionally stressful.


My advice to parents and students about finding the right college is to visit many of them. There are amazing colleges and universities all over America, find one that is the right size and style for you. Don't make a decision based on what others want you to do, or the university that you "should" go to. There is a right campus for everyone you just need to find it!