University of Florida Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of Florida?


The most frustrating thing about my school is that although it is extremely hard to get into, it is not technically considered an Ivey League school. I put in an overwhelming amount of work in high school to get where I am right now and although I was accepted to other universities with more prestigious names than the University of Florida, I did not have the financial means to attend those schools and I wish that UF had the same amount of recognition for what it really is - an amazing University with all of the potential of Ivey League schools!


I worked hard to get into the University of Florida in order to open the opportunity to live at home while I am in college. While it is a common goal among teenagers to seek to escape their family and home in college, the economy has forced me to learn more realistic priorities.


The most fustrating thing about the University of Florida would have to be the financial aide department. The department sometimes lacks organization and can be very time consuming when trying to resolve a students financial aide.




I believe the most frustrating part about the attending the University of Florida is the recent budget cuts that have limited the funding for certain colleges. I believe our institution has room for improvement in the way that our money is spent that would enhance the academic success of the University of Florida, make school more affordable, and allow more funding for certain professors and/or colleges.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the overcrowding problem. UF is a great school and many people want to attend, leading to many classes becoming crowded. This makes it difficult to learn to the best of my ability as the classes have too many people for the professor to effectively teach. The libraries and student union are also crowded, making it somewhat difficult to find places to study on campus, especially due to the lack of parking for so many students making it hard to get to the library and to class on time.


The most frusterating thing is the fact that I know so many brilliant people are turned away from it, just because of GPA and test scores.


Some of the pre-requisite courses are large (100 + students); which makes it diffuclt to build a repore with professors. Espeically if you are having a problem undertsanding the material.


The lack of communication between faculty that is supposed to help students and the students who need help.


Hard to afford when financial aid doesn't cover the costs