University of Florida Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The best thing about my school is the spirit and vivacious life that every person can feel by being on UF's campus.


The school spirit and the awesome people are the best thing about my school. We are awesome in all sports and we have a good time going out.


Very nice walkable campus, it makes going to clas enjoyable and the quality of education is very good.


Again it's incredibly enthusiastic about everything.


The best thing about this school is its focus on strong academic programs, because academics is the primary purpose of a university,


The sports teams! During my time at UF, we won national championships in football and basketball. Many students are obsessed with the Gators


awesome pople, beautiful landscape and most of all, the varity of stuff to do and learn


The best thing at this school is that it is a great school to get recruited for a job and that it is so diverse. There are so many cultural groups at UF and you can easily see this on a daily basis with all of the fraternities and sororities on and off campus. However, there is also so many different clubs that it would be insane to say you don't fit in with at least one of them.


Every member of The University of Florida (students, faculty, alumni, community members, etc.) have pride. We believe in the motto that the University of Florida is the Foundation for the Gator Nation and carry that as both an privelege and a responsibiltiy. We are proud and honored and excited to be Gators.


The number of people! It means you get a variety of people - who enjoy a variety of activities - who have a variety of perspectives. You learn just as much from the people you spend time with as you do from the professors and classes you attend. And it means a variety of ways to have fun.