University of Houston Top Questions

Describe the students at University of Houston.


My classmates were unique and came from all over the state and other continents.


They are very exclusive.


The classmates encountered at the University of Houston were all hard working, studious individuals with a desire to succeed.


Most of my classmates at University of Houston are business majors and they love to party.


The people are very welcoming and kind. I haven't had a problem with anyone at the University of Houston. My classmates are amazing, they are always willing to help with anything that I'd need help with.


Students at University of Houston tend to stay in cliques. Cliques of muslims, cliques of african-americans, footballers or just two people joined at the hip who attend all their lectures together and basically one is never far from the other. This may be due to the diversity and probably the sense of wanting to stick to who one is comfortable with. I will assume, and i might be slightly incorrect, that just 10{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the population of students at University of Houston are actually independent and can spend an entire week without the need to fit in with a clique or stay glued to their buddies side. A foreigner who is used to being without a swarm of friends and probably an introvert would feel out of place here.


I have have positive racial experiences at the university. Most students wear casual clothes to class. They usually wear jeans and a shirt or something similar to that. I believe different types of students do interact but only when they are in class. I believe all students talk about how much they want to earn one day.


In a word, the students here are DIVERSE!!!! We have students from every background meaning we have student groups and orgs for just about every group of people. We have religious groups, an LGBT and women's resource center. We have cultural organizations that anyone can join. There are honors societies for lower and upper classmen. And more special interest clubs than can be listed!!!


The students at my school are from all walks of life and from different parts of the world. The atmosphere is very cosmopolitan.


Student in UHare very diverse. No matter what club or organization you are in, you will feel at home. Most students are very helpful and friendly. Many of them are involved in more than le event on campus. If they are not involved, they will participate. UH Greek life is a wonderful experience. It is a small community of people who are committed to philanthropy and the group as a whole.