University of Houston Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about University of Houston?


The Honors college


I love telling them about how diverse this school is. I never get tired of meeting new people with way different types of backgrounds and ethnicities. I meet new people everyday and that's what is so fun and different about this school. It's a fantastic experience.


I mostly brag about how small and interesting the campus is. The classes are small and the teachers know you and you aren't "just another face in the crowd"


I talk mostly about how accredited my particular college is at the University of Houston. I also brag about the great professors at my college and how recognized they are in the industry all over the United States and some of the world. Also the job opportunites through having my college on my resume is very high.


The game room and hanging out with friends gets me trough the day.


I tell them that UH has a real campus feeling. The people you meet are awesome. There is so much diversity around our campus.


There are so many research opportunities available.


I brag that my school is a time honored school that holds a lot of weight and prestige within the community. I also am very proud of how diverse the student population is.


i brag about how fun and intresting the classes are. And how i enjoy going to lab for classes like biology and physics.


I brag about the city the most, I really went to Houston to live there and to see if I would like the city and thus far it has been a better perk than the school itself.