University of Houston Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about University of Houston? Why?


While the University of Houston is an excellent learning institution with a diverse student population and well-learned faculty, the fact that students here are not as proud of the university as they should be makes me feel disappointed. The worst thing about the University of Houston is that the students don't realize what a great college they attend and do not have much school pride. I love the university and hope this changes soon.


The Financial aid.


Advising staff


The area around it is very scary!! The street right beside our school is the 3rd ward in Houston


The worst thing about U of H is that it is next to a less than reputible area of Houston known as he third ward.


Since are students are so culturally and ethnically diverse, I believe our faculty should be too.. Our professors are mostly caucasion.


The worst thing about this school is to transfer here. It took months to get my hours transferred over. Then I had to petition basic classes like speech. I also had to petition classes that had the same title like educational psychology for educational psychology. The academic advisors also forget to tell you things. I am an education major and I did not know I couldn't take more than one field experience course at a time, or had to have all my core classes taken care of before my last junior semester.


It is a commuter school, so it is difficult to form long-lasting relationships.


the woest thing about my school is the price off the on campus housing


Financial Aid Services is the worst. They make it seem like you are not worth their time. It like pulling teeth to get answers about any kind of aid.