University of Houston Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of University of Houston?

Is University of Houston a good school?

What is University of Houston known for?


UH is there for it's students


One thing I would change about UH is Cullen road. The road is too bumpy and is in need of repairs. I enjoy attending UH. The campus is so diverse and there is always something to do, whether it's around campus or outside of campus.


What i like most about the UH campus is the diversity around the campus. people are very nice to one another and rarely is there any kind of prejudice. however, one thing i would change is the amount of parking spaces. if maybe one or two more garages could be built on the campus, that would make more parking spaces available to the students.


UH is an urban campus, adjacent to downtown. Despite the relatiuvely shady area surrounding campus, the university is fairly nice and clean. The majority of students do nto attend UH as a first-choice school (I did!!!... I did not apply anywhere else). There are many non-traditional students, and a very large portion of the student body are commuters. UH lacks strong tradition and student buy-in to the university experience. The majority of students go to class and go home or to work; students are not engaged in life on campus. After around 4:00 pm the campus is dead. There are pockets of involvement. If students proactively seek out opportunities to get involved, UH has excellent opportunities available. It is a "you get what you put in" environment. Houston is absolutely not a college town. There is an endless list of entertainment and employment opportunities, but few are geared toward students.


One thing that I would like to change is making the faculty and staff of the University more spirited. Students are not enough to carry the spirit. Also, faculty and staff need to be reminded that they are here for the students. The reason they are employeed is because of the students, and therefore they should try and take care of them best they can.


Campus is just right I think it should be bigger if anything at all. People do not react well because they have the sterotypes like I mentioned above. I spend most of my time in Garrison, Gym and my Sorority House. I believe that we are more of a "what college town" I like UH administration, but the people in the office are terrible and rude. I don't think I have been to an office where the people in the front we kind. I would say when my boyfriend got car jacked on campus and the campus emergency box didn't work (this really is BAD)! I think there is alot of school pride from greeks but not very much anywhere else.


The best thing about UH is the diversity. When I graduate and get a job, I'll have a lot of experience with people of different nationalities and creeds. I'd change the size of RLH. I wish more people could live on campus. My school is just right. People are often surprised when I tell them I go to UH. I graduated #4 in my highschool class and got accepted into a number of different private schools. I spend most of my time at Bauer and my sorority house. I think it's "what college town" but I love it. We are so close to Downtown and we're able to get internships and enjoy the nightlife of the city. UH administration is good for the most part. The most recent controversy on campus is probably Peoplesoft. School pride needs some work. I'll always remember my first trip to UH for a tour. It's what made my mind that I was going to go here. Student complaints are typically about parking and too many finals.


One of the big things I would change about the UH campus is the location or even the level of security. Because UH is located in Third Ward there seems to be a high crime rate. One of my sorority sisters' boyfriend was actually held at gunpoint in the middle of the day and had his car stolen on campus. Although I love to live on campus, I don't always feel safe. Even if there was a change as slight as having one police officer on duty at bayou oaks, I think that would make a huge difference.


The best thing about UH would probably have to be it's wide range of majors and centrally located campus. I think that the campus is perfect size, students are able to walk across campus in a reasonable amount of time and on their way to their next class can view the beautiful trees, landscape and fountains on campus. When I tell people that I attend UH their first reaction is normally, really?? Why are you going there? After I tell them how great the university really is, they normally change their perspective and want to attend here themselves. I spend most of my time on campus either in the lobby of the Hilton (on the comfy couches), in the UC or in the Satelite. I would probably say that Houston's not a college town, there are bars that I know the college students attend but since its such a large city college students are only probably a small percentage of the entire population. My opinion of UH administration not including professors is very bad, whenever I have spoken with a UH employee they are normally rude and very short and do not really care about what your problem is. The biggest controversy on campus for me would be that they are going to eliminate the majority of the parking lots and require students to take the metro to get to campus or they are going to build parking garages in order to allow for more space for classrooms and such. Until I signed up for Dr. Bott's class I had little to no school pride. I had pride for Hilton College but not for UH. Dr. Bott has really made me see how great UH is. The pride that I see on campus is not as strong as for instance at A&M or UT. I think it's pretty unusual that it is a commuter campus. One experience that I will always remember is, during my first week of classes walking around trying to find my classroom and getting completely lost and almost about to cry and Dr. Gogue came up and asked me if I was lost and I told him that I was and he escorted me to class, at the time I had no idea who he was but after finding out that he was the chancellor I felt pretty stupid, it meant a lot to me that especially considering how busy he is, he took time out of his day to walk me to my class. My most frequent complaint is, that Professors while lecturing will not tell students who are talking to be quiet. I have a learning disability and it is extremely hard for me to concentrate if more than one person is talking. Another complaint is that, Professors are not willing to answer questions concerning either lecture or homework problems and act as if they are too busy and too important to even be bothered.


When I tell people I go to UH, they always ask a question regarding student life; people have the perception that UH has nothing to offer in regards to life on campus and regular college activities. When you go away to college you expect to live in a dorm, go to coffee houses until 1am, go to a wild frat party, LOVE your football team, and so much more. Do we have that at UH....well kinda, but not to the extent that we should. If we don't want to be viewed as a commuter college, then we can't be in the gray area. Build on activities like Frontier Fiesta, get the teachers involved and have them encourage student participation. UH Administration- the one thing I would change most about UH is the rude people that you have to deal with anytime you need to pay something, get something fixed, or have a question. You may hate your job because you have to deal with disgruntled college students all day, but we are a lot less disgruntled if we are dealing with a pleasant person! In my four years at UH, I have only spoken with 1 (yes ONE) friendly person who actually made me feel like she wanted to help me solve my problem. That is a horrible number. Something special about UH- we aren't a cookie cutter university. There is so much cultural diversity at UH that it is a people watchers dream. Students are welcome to be themselves, rather than being cultish like some other universities.