The most frustrating thing about this school is the parking. There are lesser parking spots compared to the student body. During the start of the semester, if you do not show up at the right time, you will end up parking somewhere very far away and thereby reach class very late and even tired. This is one of the most frustrating thing about the university.
The outskirts of the univerisity is third ward, which is high in crime.
University of Houston is well respected in all aspects. Diversity, student help (student resources, library, counselling, career services), commitment- you name it and it is offered. Our university is working towards the Tier-1 status and thus, faculty as well as student are very dedicated in research. According to me, University of Houston provides me with everything I want and there is nothing frustrating about my school.
Somedays parking can be really streneous.
classes fill up fast and all of the basics are really large classes
The most frustrating thing about education is the cost. This semester, I only am able to carry 9 credit hours, costing me over $2,000 alone. This is not the final total; however, since the cost of not only books, but art supplies as well are also added. Many people do not go to school because 1) they cannot finacially afford it, and 2) they do not know what options are available to them.
The admission process seemed very complicated and it took me quite some time to get all the paperwork, tests, etc in line to be admitted. Otherwise, UH has given me a great educational experience. Courses are well organized and most professors/lecturers are well prepared. Buying books was frustating at the beginning, but once I figured out to get a list of the needed books early and order them used on line, I was able to save a lot of money. UH has some old buildings that need to be updated and renovated.
The most frustrating thing about my school is that the parking lots are very crowded. Parking spots are never available for some students. The lots need to be fixed because they have holes everywhere and when it rains they get filled with puddles and it is impossible not to get wet.
The most frustrating thing about my school is the administrative management. My school has a difficult time with paperwork and record keeping. I have had to go to the school on multiple occasions to work with them to get my grades transfered correctly, to get the transferes that were approved put on record and so on. This is frustrating when it is impossable to register for a class that has a prerequisit that the school has not got around to placing on your record as having been completed.
The most frustrating thing about my school the surrounding neighborhood. For this to be a school that wants to be considered Tier-One, it's not by a good neighborhood, which is Third Ward!