University of Illinois at Chicago Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of Illinois at Chicago?


Much of the time the school touts the fact that its student body is very diverse. And it is true that there are many races, ethnicities, religions, etc. represented on campus. However, it is frustrating to see that rather than being a truly diverse environment, ethinc groups tend to stick to themselves, creating an environment of micro-homogeneity.


Trying to register for classes the first two years.


The BookStore is soo small! It takes me forever to get my text books, not to mention expensive


Large lectures are intimidating and the feeling that you are alone academically with no help. With a large lecture hall, the professor seems more intimidating since there is no connection or relationship with the students. The Teachers Aids usaually do not know English.


The most frustrating thing about school is that there are many people that expect to be successful with all that they are doing and is always trying to run over you and compete with you in order to achieve thier dream faster making it harder for you to success in the same field of study together. Other than that there is nothing that is more frustrating than that when attending college anywhere in the wrold, for we must learn to mearn fro m each other and apply our skiils to our own lives.


The weather makes it hard to get around campus. ie. raining, snowing The homework load can be frustrating, along with exams of different classes being around the same time.


Parking! Personally for me, tuition!


In all honesty, while the professors are very intelligent in their respective fields, they are not the best in lecture. The ethnic diversity of the staff, while very refreshing, can also make for some difficult to understand lectures. Good teacher aides, however, make up for this.


The most frustrating thing is that we are always compared to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, since we're both state schools. But we're very much different, and I wish that there wasn't so much competition.