University of Illinois at Springfield Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


Be financially prepared and have a degree completion plan.


I wish I would have known how great this school is. I also had know idea that the people at this college would be so friendly. The teachers and advisors are willing to answer any questions that you could possibly have.


I wish I had realized ?The only possession you own that can never be taken from you is what you carry inside your brains.?


I wish that I would have known that I am required to be independent. I thought leaving home was perfect. I was soon brought to a reality that ?mom and dad will not be around?, which forced me to make a living and sacrifices on my own. I also wished I would have known that professors are extremely different from high school teachers. College instructors are not constantly reminding you about assignments. You are responsible for keeping track of due dates which is located on the course syllabus, usually given out on the first day of class.


That developement was going to take a long time and that there is nothing to do on campus.

