University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Top Questions

Describe the students at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.


One of my best friends goes there. I've wanted to go to the university of Illinois since I was five. I studied and worked hard to get here like everyone else.


There is no way to describe the students because everybody is so different. No matter what you're like, you can find friends that will share something with you as well as learn about a variety of other backgrounds whether they be geographically, ethnically, religiously, academically, etc.


They are really diverse and respect each other. You can easily find the group of students you want to hang out with. They are really helpful and passionate too.


The student body at the UIUC is a very intelligent group of people from around the world who are all very proud of their school and the opportunity to be there.


Students qt U of I are intelligent, curious, and dedicated to learning while also having fun.


I was a political science major for my entire time spent at the U of I so I can't say what other major's were like, however, I strongly consider my major to have the most diverse array of students.




Artsy individuals looking to connect with others and figure out what their passions are.


Smart people that often care too much for school.




Since U of I is such a big school, the students here are so diverse and you are bound to find somone that you fit in with as long as you search. U of I is a big party school but there are lots of people who don't drink and it may seem hard to find htose people at first but they're there.


U of I is a huge campus with lots of different people. If you identify yourself with anything, I can almost guarantee there is a group (RSO) for it. We have everything from LGBT groups to foam sword fighters. There are plenty of minority groups, and they usually host one big event per year. LGBT groups always have Day of Silence or Coming out on the Quad events, while minority groups put on big festivals that echo their traditions. I'm not really sure if a student would feel out of place, unless they didn't know how/where to find an RSO they liked. I could imagine if a student felt out of place if they didn't join a club, or even participated in dorm activities. Most students wear whatever is comfortable to class. I notice more girls tend to put on pants for class more than guys, but most of us don't care. Sweats are encouraged, because they're comfy and warm. Jeans are the norm, but you look a little out of place by dressing up to class. We're there to learn, not to party. Students range from either being very politically aware to no clue what is happening in the world. Usually, a student would learn what is happening by walking on the Quad, where an RSO will bring attention to an issue. I can't say for sure if students are left or right winged, because although left wing students are more active, there is still a large presence of right wing students. Most students are from the Chicago area, or international students. We don't get many out of state students. We have a large Indian and Asian international student body, but last year I had 3 Australians living on my floor. All students interact on some level, either as a lab partner or neighbor in the dorm.


The students at U of I are energetic, outgoing, and excited about whatever it is they are doing.


We have lots of opportunities for students of all different backgrounds. There are many religious groups and cultural houses that are meant to help people feel at home. Many of the students have diverse backgrounds, and U of I has a lot of international students. This opportunity to meet people with different backgrounds has been wonderful for people studying foreign languages.


No student would feel out of place on campus due to the large student body, diversity is unavoidable. The only strange thing is that there is diversity, but each "group" sticks with each other. For example, terms on campus such as "black frats" and "white frats" are applied while referencing the greek life. Most students wear comfy clothes to class, which is nice because theres no pressure. Different types of students interact, but not as often as possible. Most students are from illinois. Most financial backgrounds include the privileged and or spoiled.


This is a very diverse campus. There are people of all ethnicities with different religions and views. Everyone is equally accepted.


Willing to help you if you don't understand something about lecture.


They are intelligent and very dedicated to have success in their future.


Students differ from class to class. Certain classes very serious and hard working, whereas, sometimes they just dont care


The student population at the University of Illinois is incredibly diverse. I truly do not think that any type of student would feel out of place here. There are students of every race, religion, political affiliation, socio-economic groups and personality. I have had classes with someone of each affiliation. There are many international students who add to the diversity. Personally, I am good friends with a girl from China and another from India. I took the community health course called Human Sexuality that allowed me to personally interact with LGBT students. Everyone has their own story and willing to meet new people. Many different types of students interact on campus, and there is also the occasional groups of common race. The majority of students are from the US, particularly Illinois. The financial background of each student is not necessarily known but I would guess most students are mainly middle class. Most students dress casual, wearing jeans or sweat pants to class. In general, I feel that every type of student exists on campus which creates such an accepting environment.