University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Top Questions

Describe the students at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.


As a resident advisor, been exposed to all walks of life. From greatest to least, our demographics go like this: White, Asian/Pacific Island, Black, Hispanic, Native American, "other." That's not to say that you'll never, ever see certain people. We're all a part of one big campus community, and you'll undoubtedly encounter people who look nothing like you. We're a very diverse campus, and this stems further than skin color. There are also members of the LGBTQ community, various religious followings, socioeconomic status and physical abilities. Our campus leaves no one out. I can say that confidently because there are so many groups dedicated to including minority students. For example, we have an organization that is designed to assist students with disabilities and we're one of the leading handicap accessible universities. U of I has pioneered disabilities research and development for decades and have made great strides for that community. There are also cultural houses that educate campus on minority student affairs; they are very inviting and urge students to visit and step outside their comfort zones. In addition, there is a strong partnership with LGTBQ students. Many campus organizations, along with University housing educate students rather than scare them with things they don't know. For example, I had a resident ask me where they could go to feel safe if someone didn't like the fact that he was gay. I was disheartened, but felt empowered to throw a program for my building that basically dispelled myths about gay men. He felt so much more comfortable with his sexuality, and U of I wants that for every member of the community. We aim to treat everyone fairly. As mentioned in an earlier post, we've even gotten rid of our mascot because of its offensive nature. Overall, you'll see a new face every day. With more than 40,000 students, that's not impossible to realize. The point is, you'll encounter individuals that are different from you in many ways, but we're accepting of who you are, no matter what. Our campus embraces diversity, and whether or not that's what you want to do, you learn respect others in the process. Everyone here is a potential friend, and small friendships go a long way in college.


For a school smack-dab in the middle of the Midwest, and all the stereotypes that that might carry, UIUC is a really diverse school. As anyone who's been here can tell you, there's lots of Asians... more than you'd expect- and as a result there's a lot of coming together of cultures, from the Japan House's tea ceremonies to all the Korean-friendly church services to all the cultural houses (Latino/a, Women's Studies, Asian-American Cultural Center, ect...) and a very strong LGBT presence, with groups and events aplenty for the LGBT community and its allies. Due to the school's size, there's a significant number of every different ethnicity, religion, and so on on campus, so no one's really out of place. It's just a matter of going out and finding a place to settle into. Again, the school is really balanced, so things like liberal-conservative, rich-poor, rural-urban all end up pretty varied. And so the things students wear and do are pretty equally varied too, from flannel and blue jeans to Amercrombie and Fitch, and an ocean of black Northface coats when winter hits. The number of Chicago kids might push it a bit more towards urban, but maybe that's just my opinion. No one's really worried about what they'll make someday, because a degree from U of I means a fair amount of money to most of us- unless you got it in something crazy like creative writing. People talk about classes, what's going on on Green Street that night, and just whatever's happening in the world.


I don't think there's any sort of mold for Illinois. It's so diverse with people coming from all different sides of the U.S. and the world. It's quite refreshing, especially since I come from the suburbs of Chicago. There isn't a huge gay and lesbian scene on campus, but there definitely are some that are open and proud about their sexuality.


A "regular" student's day at U of I goes as follows: First, you wake up, after possibly hitting the snooze button a few times, and get dressed. The average student usually dresses pretty casual for class, wearing anything from jeans and a sweater to pajama pants and a t-shirt.Then you might grab a bite to eat on your way to your class. Depending on how chilly it is, maybe catch a bus to your class, sit through some lectures and head home after class. Usually a student might work on some homework or study a bit before the evening plans begin. The evening may consist of meeting up with friends for dinner, hanging out at a friend's apartment or dorm, or simply watching a movie in your room. People make friends pretty easily around here, whether you just knock on your neighbors door or choose to join a fraternity or sorority on campus. It's not always about academics here, we want to have some fun, too! There are plenty of International students at the U of I who tend to keep to themselves usually, but it's great getting to know them and finding out how different your life may be from others. Most student's goal here is to learn and have fun along the way. We know when it's crunch time and when its time to have fun.


One of the great things about U of I is it really is a pretty diverse campus, in terms of interests and groups. You can find a club for everything here - singing, rugby, sword fighting - you name it, we have it. Students tend to flock towards people similar to them, but if your interests overlap with that of someone completely different from you in other ways, it makes for an interesting group meeting. One thing I never saw a lot of here was openly religious gatherings or groups. I would be willing to bet they exist, but you don't hear a lot about them - they don't gather on the quad in big displays or wear t-shirts proclaiming what they're about. Given that the campus is so big (with over 40,000 students) it's possible that they are vocal - I just never saw it. Dressing up for class is something that, in general, students just don't do here. Most wear sweatpants, sweatshirts, jeans and t-shirts to class. I've even been in lectures where a student has walked in wearing a pair of boxers and a t-shirt. Not boxers like pajama shorts...boxers like his underwear. It can be a good thing- if you're running late and show up to class in pajamas, no one will give you a second glance. And there is a happy medium - plenty of people are walking around campus right now in cute boots, jeans, sweaters and peacoats and no one thinks they're "overdressed".


There are over 50,000 students at the U of I. Each one has there own distinctive look and style. Some come from middle class to lower class families. Many share similar politcally views....but at the end of the day....we're all students. Aiming to make our mark in society. And this is why I choose U of I. It's a place where you can grow and learn from that group of 50,000. A place where you can share your thoughts and opinons and be who you are.


A large number of students are white and from the Chicago suburbs. However, there is a large international student population and the school is also public. There are about 40,000 students total here, so you can meet new people you wouldn't meet otherwise. I live just outside of Chicago and my freshman year roommate was from New Dehli, India, which was very cool. There is a LGBT community and political activist do exist. They do not make up the majority. Many students are relatively well off but not all. There is a decent amount of mingling between races, ethnicities, etc. Political ties are about 50/50, I believe.


I don’t think one can collectively describe all students at this university. We have a student body that comes from a wide range of countries, religions, and backgrounds. I have friends who come from my hometown, and I have friends who come from countries thousands of miles away from me. That’s what keeps things interesting isn’t it? I love learning about people from cultures that are different than mine.


Within the community I am having the opportunity to see that there are various communities that promote a welcoming environment. I love how we have small communities within this whole large college community. Each student has the opportunity to have choices given to them that makes this place fit for them. The way people dress is up to every person and not everyone is not the same. The way we all interact is something that varies within every person.


A good way to describe students here at Illinois is driven. We all want to achieve great things in our lives and be successful. We also know this goal is attainable because we are getting an education from the U of I and it has been proved time and again that an education from the U of I can get you places. The creators of YouTube, the most acclaimed film critic of our time, and the CEO's of companies around the world, including McDonald's, all graduated from Illinois. So being a nerd here is embraced by all. Students are really friendly and interact all the time. When you have students from Germany, Turkey, China, and England, just to name a few, you want to ask and learn about these other cultures, especially when they're sitting across the dining hall table from you. Meeting people is a whole other adventure here at school. Everyone is really accepting of people of all races, social backgrounds, sexual orientation, and anything else you can think of, which is a really wonderful characteristic of this school that many are unaware about. There are clubs and organizations that promote all types of interests any student may have as well and all students embrace it. On the quad, there's always a club promoting pizza slices to support their group, or a group of students in a drum circle playing instruments from their home country. It is really beautiful. Most students here at Illinois seem to come from wealthy backgrounds, but I think that comes with the territory of being able to afford a $30,000 tuition. However, I have met so many students, myself included, that are here on a full scholarship, or partial scholarship and who without it would probably not be able to attend college. That's another great thing about Illinois is that they offer so much scholarship money and help for students to be able to earn their college degree. Sometimes in high school I would be embarrassed at the thought of financial assistance, but in college, the more you can get, the more people wish they could get the same as you- which is really nice. If there were four tables of students in the dining hall, and I am choosing 4 totally different tables, I am guessing one table would be a group of oriental students from the region of Asia. Another table would probably be a table of guys who all met each other from being in the same dorm. Another table would be girls from the same floor. And the final table would be a mix of students who just met, boys and girls, and who are getting to know each other. I have slowly seen as the year has gone on that these lines have blurred and people sit together to learn about one another and make new friends. It's really easy here and you can probably never have to go a meal without eating with a friend, new or old, at any time of the day.