There is an abundance of activities to do on campus which opens up the opportunity to meet new people and share thoughts and ideas and any concerns we may have.
The fact that there are so many different options. Greek life, hipster house parties, challenging classes, fun classes, drinking, alternative options. You can carve out your own niche with your own friends pretty easily.
There are so many good things about my school and it is extremely hard to just pick one. I would have to say the best thing is my College of Applied Health Sciences. The faculty and staff are amazing. I have had so many great opportunites interacting with faculty, professors, alumni, and the deans of my college. Everyone knows my name and I have the abiltity to do so much. I can make an impact on my college and the university at large because of the guidance I have received.
The best thing about my school is the diversity.
The University of Illinois is diverse in every sense of the word, and diversity teaches the world. We see too many conflicts around the globe, and hopefully, one day, we can learn from each other. My school has students who are every race, every religion, and every classification and I wish all higher-learning institutions could be the same, so maybe the next generation of leaders could learn from this diversity that I see on a daily basis. I think the problem with today's world is intolerance for those different than us, therefore, bringing everyone together could be great.
Diversity and opportunity. Beyond the classroom, there are many different enlightening pathways and experiences a student can explore and undertake. The plethora of international students and the variety of social differences, coupled with the hundreds of organizations and groups to get involved with molds into a unique college experience. There are ways for every type of personality to connect with others and experience new adventures that they may have never done before college. It makes college not only a typical classroom learning experience, but also a foundation for real world and personal development.
The best thing about U of I is all opportunity you have to learn and experience new things. I am from a very small, rural community, and by coming to U of I, I have broadened my horizons and had new experiences. I have taken many different classes at this school, everything from art history to chemistry, to music and political science, and I would have not been able to have had all the diverse academic experiences if I hadn't come to this school.
The best thing about my school is that there is a good balance between education and extracurriculars. Obviously we are at school to get an education that will allow us to get a job in the career we choose. The workload here is competitive and stressful so if we didn't have those outlets I think alot of students wouldn't be able to handle it. At least I know I wouldn't. The extracurriculars are where students make friends and create lasting relationships.
The variety of different cultural experiences (whether it be university programs or the different student organizations), and the overall learning/living experience.
It's location, it was far enough from home to have privacy and close enough to be able to come home when I wanted to.