The best thing about my school is probably the Greek life. I joined a sorority, and the sisterhood I have found has been phenomenal. Greek life is a huge deal at UK and it allows you to meet so many people and presents lots of oppurtunities for service and scholarship. I have had so many oppurtunities that I feel I wouldn't have had without my sorority. The town is also great, Lexington revolves around UK and they are so supportive. The athletics are definitely a plus as well.
The best thing about the University of Kentucky is the numerous opportunities that are offered to the students, such as research internships and study abroad. All these opportunities help students to stand out when going into their future careers.
The best thing about the University of Kentucky is the atmosphere of the campus and the surrounding city. Everyone wears school colors and attends school function, be it basketball games, concerts or special lectures. The city shows its full support for the school; every business shows off the school logo or colors and will usually give student discounts. Lexington is obviously a college town and it is evident to everyone.
The tradition of UK athletics. Kentucky has long been known as a "basketball" school. The basketball team, for as long as I can remember, has always lived up to th greatness that has become UK. The Academics at UK also makes it standout. The focus on the student athete is a huge interest of my, since i hope to join the UK football team
All of the resources are the best parts of UK. Whether you need help with school, a certain club, or even personal conflicts, there are groups and organizations to help out the students who happen to need it. Some smaller colleges could probably have this sort of help with ease, but being that UK is so big, I'm astounded that the amount of help I have received has been supplied by the University.
The best thing about my school to me is that you get in free to most of the athletic events besides football and basketball which are only 5 dollars.
UK is a fairly large campus. I didn't think that I would enjoy it, but I do. Not only do I get my daily exercise from walking to class, but I get to enjoy the beautiful scenery that UK's campus has to offer. Also, UK has one of the largest libraries in Kentucky. This is where everyone goes to work on last minute projects, papers, or just to hang out in a study group. UK is great.
A good reputation, solid education and low cost.
The best thing about my school is the pride and involvement that the students and the faculty have here. UK is very focused on tradition and excellence and majority of the people here greatly enjoy the environment that the campus has. There is an abundance of activities to get involved in and encouragement for all students to do so.
The food and the school spirit.