University of Louisville Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend University of Louisville?


It's a big school. I transfered to this college from a smaller private college that had a student to teacher ratio of 10:1. When at my first school, I had a 4.0, played varsity Softball, and enjoyed several campus activities and groups. The classes were easy to keep up with and were more hands on. At UofL, the classes are more lecture based, and you feel lost in the numbers. I would suggest that anyone who requires a more personalized, hands on education should not attend this school. I found it very hard to adjust.


The only person I don't think should attend this school is someone who doesn't like cities. Everyone else should be fine here. Also if you don't like your grades to be heavily based off tests, all my grades were based competely by multiple choice tests. At my previous school which was much smaller, there was more concentration on participation and rewarded effort more to balance the grade scale for each class.


The type of person who should not attend U of L would be someone who does not want to learn. They would be a hard-headed, stagnant individual who is not open to new ideas.


The only type of people who shouldn't attend this school are people who don't want to make good friends or get a good education. I wasn't considering going to this school at first but I'm so happy I did.


People who are not genuinely interested in learning should not attend this school. Students who lack discipline and people whom seek the social aspects of college over the learning aspects of college should also not attend.


Students who don't enjoy being around a city. The campus itself is relatively safe, but the surrounding areas are not. I have been robbed, my car was broken into and my friends was stolen. I live 2 blocks from campus. Also, when coming here one should really consider what they want to do with their lives. The school accommodated me and I am taking grad school and graduate school at the same time but hadn't considered my options before coming here. There is not a strong emphasis on Greek life either, depending if that is what somone wants.


Someone who doesn't know how to manage time well. Time management is very important and you have to make school a top priority.


People who do bad on their own. People who are not equipted to learn on their own.


someone who isnt open to being around people with differrent beliefs or ideals as them, extremely conservative people. students who arent there to learn


A person that likes to party and someone who wants to be on a very large campus.