University of Louisville Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


How wonderful it is! I would have been 10 times more excited to apply!


I wish I had known how expensive school was going to be, and how different the teachers were. I felt thrown into the mix and unsure of what to expect.


I wish I had known about the true size of a University located in a city. I also, should have paid more attention to the average class size and the location of the library.


I wish i had known how easy it was to get around. I was so worried, all of last summer, because the school is so big and I was worried I would get lost. Also, I wish I had known how difficult the work load is in college. I breezed through high school, so I assumed that i could in college too, but I've really had to buckle down. It's well worth it though.


This is a fantastic school, but I wish I would have known more about what types of programs the school offered in the biology department, as well as about the opportunities for research and internships.


How to focus in on what's important and time management/organization skills. These four years are all about me securely my feet in life and others must do their own growing and developing. No one will invest and work harder for you than you!!!


I wish I had known how important it is to be involved in extra-curricular activities. I have always concentrated on academics and when I started applying for scholarships I realized that most of them stated that they would favor those who were leaders in organizations. This is still true with scholarships given to students already enrolled in college, and I think that if I had known that it would help finance my education I w oulud have gotten more involved. Also, taking large lecture classes decreases your options for letters of recommendation.


I wish my counselors and high school teachers did not scare all the seniors into beleiving that college is cut-throat. Because it is all. If you study, stay up to date with your assignments, and try not to procrastinate you will do fine. There are plenty of extra-help resources on campus to help when you do fall behind a little bit. There is the REACH center, the Math Resource Center, the Writing Center, Supplemental Instruction, and even one-on-one tutoring. So there was absolutely no reason for me to be scared to come to college.


I wish that I would have had better advising and registered earlier my first semester at U of L. Then, my GPA would have be a lot higher.


I wish I had known exactly what i wanted to study so that I could better construct my schedule to cater to both my needs and my interests.