University of Maine Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Maine know before they start?


When picking a college, do not just look for one with a name that you like. Just because you like the name doesnt mean you will like the school!


I would honestly say, if you have had a college in your mind even from the start, dont just settle with it. You may think you love it, and that it is perfect for your major. Look around and find the college that is perfect for you, not just your major. A lot of schools offer majors they might no be known for, but they are just as good. Also do not go to a school because that is where your friends are going. You will make friends, it is inevitable at college. That first week everyone is looking for new friends and you will find them. Make sure you are able to manage your time well and amke sure you focus on your studies, but don't forget about the ever important social life. Schedule time for studies and play. It will be helpful, and the first semester is tough, but dont let up in the second semester. You might think oh i passed first semester, this one will be easy, every semester is tough. College is a lot of fun and work, but if you can manage it well it can be the best years of you life.


Make sure that you visit the college you apply to and check it out before you decide on going there. Many students make this mistake when deciding which college to go to. You don't have to go to college in your home state either, just because all of your friends are. I went to a college out of state and i have many many more friends than I would have had at the University in my home state. don't be afraid to talk to anyone or ask for help, because everyone else is willing to find new friends and many need help too! The dormitories may not be nice or big, but they do provide an easy way to make friends. college is not all about drinking, even though some think that it is, I spent the majority of my time studying so that I didn't have to cram before finals and it really paid off. Take college seriously and pick the one that best suits you, because in the end you're paying to go to it and it takes a lot more work than high school.


KNOW WHAT YOU WANT. If its location, look around your area at many different schools. Ask your elders or older friends of your for their school experiences & also choose a school because you want to go there, not because most of your friends are attending the saem place. You WILL meet friends.


I think some of the most important advice I can give to prospective college students is not to overanalyze the process. When you visit a college campus think about just that campus, don't try to compare it to others you have visited. Just focus on how you feel at that particular college. Can you see yourself walking to class? Going to visit friends in their dorms? Getting together and eating dinner? Take in the whole atmosphere and how it makes you feel. The choice may not be crystal clear, but remember whatever choice you do make, IS the right one. Don't overthink it. To make the best of your college experience, I think being open to change, and outgoing is key. Reach out to people, become close with the people in your dorm, because they could be the friends you have for the rest of your life. Do things you might not normally do, college is a chance to sort of reinvent yourself, become the best person you can. Take all the opportunities you can, you get a college experience once. Maybe the most important thing, though, is just to have fun...but don't forget your homework!


Go for what intersts your child or yourself the most. Dont choose a major for the money or anything else. You will find it hard and make sure you can devote the time to studying and you arent going to college just to party, thats not what it is about or you will waste a bunch of money and have nothing to show for it. And your first choice school may not be the best so keep your mind open for all the schools that you apply to.


Finding the right college for a student is hard to do. The best technique is to visit colleges and try to get a feel for what the school is all about. It is important to visit while class is in session, because otherwise you will just be walking around a bunch of empty buildings. The student needs to interact with the student body to understand the university. Another important thing to do is try to think about what the student?s daily routine will be if they were to attend the university. Most students spend their time thinking about applying and getting accepted to good schools. However, once the acceptance letters start coming in you need to make a life changing decision. The most important thing to do is choose a school you will be comfortable at and able to succeed at.


Don't pick a school based on what team you want to play for; pick a school based on how comfortable you feel on campus.


Look at the culture of the students and the area of the school, and an important criteria is "could I meet my spouse here?"


I found the right college by doing online research, visiting campuses, and working closely with my guidance counselor. To make the most of your college education you must get involved around campus.