University of Mary Washington Top Questions

Describe how University of Mary Washington looks to someone who's never seen it.


if you want a four college experience do not go here, people are very clicky and i lot of people then to trnasfer out. If you are not extreverted, this school is great for you. If you like going home on the weekends, this school is great for you. If you like to just watch movies and have like three friends then this school is great for you. But if you want greek life, go out and have amazing weekends, I repeat do not come here unless you have a car and a friend at vcu to visit.


Mary Washington was a far greater disappointment than I thought that it would be.


The University of Mary Washington is a wonderful small town school, convienently located near the nation's capital, filled with friendly students and caring professors.


Well rounded, challanging academics balanced with campus and community involvement in a friendly and supportive environment.


Over-priced, plain, and boring.


Small, you can talk to your professors, learn from them outide of class, and ask questions in class!


Overall, I have enjoyed my experience here and feel that its many extracirriculars create a unique and stimulating environment. I wish, however, that there was a slightly more active social life here on campus and that the town of Fredericksburg worked to integrate us more fully--especially downtown where shops often close early.


Very small, with nothing to do but study and drink on the weekends.


It is a small liberal arts school with an emphasis on academically rigorus courses.


U. Mary Washington is a place for people looking for a liberal arts education, and in that regard it is pretty well rounded; the campus is spread out and beautiful and the people are for the most part very friendly, professors are as well very approachable.