University of Mary Washington Top Questions

Describe how University of Mary Washington looks to someone who's never seen it.


It is a gorgeous, scenic, liberal campus that always has unique, different people walking around comfortably and proud.


I was very disappointed. I haven't learned much of anything or experienced a "college experience." The professors are extremely unhelpful and you are required to take an absurd amount of ridiculous classes. One I had to take told you how to make the sounds of consonants and vowels. We also had to howl daily in class. I'm not kidding.


A hub for social and educational strengthening.


Small public school with a friendly campus body in a rather sleepy town... not a college or super college friendly town. Very small endowment fund which often seems to limit us in comparison to our fellow but larger state schools. Administration is ok... from personal experiance find them un-helpful and extremely frustrating to deal with. Food sucks, campus is very pretty. Lots of extracurricular clubs but almost no weekend life... very boring. Mostly good senior professors but also lots of bad adjunct prof. Do an overnight stay before you decide... even if its your 1st choice.. wich I had.