University of Maryland-Baltimore County Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about University of Maryland-Baltimore County!


It's incredibly diverse in terms of students, extracurriculars, and community involvement; not to mention that it's on the outskirts of Baltimore and only an hour away from DC and Annapolis.


The ethnic diversity.


Research, Diversity.


We are very diverse and multicultrual. For serious students there are unique opportunites for undergraduate research.




UMBC is whatever you make out it. If you sit in your room and refuse to interact with anyone, you will have nothing good to say. But if you actually meet people and get involved, there is so much potential and so much to learn.


Pretty much anyone can find something they love about UMBC. And I must say I DO LOVE IT! LETS GO DAWGS!


Overall, I like UMBC and I am an out of state student. However, I think the school leaves a lot to be desired.


I only came here because I got a substantial scholarship, but now I am glad that I came and excited about staying 2 or 3 more years :)


If you really want to know what UMBC is about, come and discover it for yourself. Don't listen to stereotypes and learn information about UMBC from people who ACTUALLY go there