University of Maryland-Baltimore County Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about University of Maryland-Baltimore County!


I like UMBC. Then again, I don't mind the quiet.


They say it's not allowed, but you can use torrents. I do, but I don't use file sharing like limewire or Kazza.






yeah u didn't ask us how we would improve it.


i'm tired.


Don't live on campus past your freshman year. It'd good for experience but not for mental health. Get off campus as soon as possible, you will be happier.


I do not regret coming here and am happy here. I wish there was a bigger arabic program, but as it grows, I grow with it. We need healthier food here though and more flexibility with the dining hall meal uses.


My opinion may seem pretty negative towards UMBC, but I have always had an open mind about UMBC. They just have continued to let me down. I have had a few bad experiences, but even before my bad experiences, my opinions about the administration had already been formed. If you had asked me the same questions 2 years ago I would have answered the same, with the exception that now I have actual experiences to back up my bad feelings towards the university. I know many people that have the same feelings towards the school and they did not have anything bad happen to them ever. It is a general feeling that many of my friends as well as other students that I have heard say similar things have towards the school. When you enter UMBC you are promised the world, and you leave realizing, you never really got much of anything, but some life changing experiences that have made you more skeptical than ever about people who say they are there to help. This is not to take anything away from the few good teachers there are because the ones that are good are really great, but there are just so much bad that overshadows them. Also, many students only come to UMBC for a year or two and end up transferring.


This took a lot more than 10 minutes.