UMBC has been gaining more activities and social aspects. We do not have a football team but we make up for tailgating at almost every other sporting event. We have a theater, which I havent been to but my roommates have. Every weekend there are movies on campus that were just in the theaters. There are frats and sororities but they are not a major part of the campus. They throw a fishbowl on Thursday nights. Fishbowl is a local club that is 18 to enter. It is pretty much where you will see everyone on a Thursday night. Fridays are usually pretty relaxed. My friends and I play manhunt to rest the liver and get some outdoors fun, and because we have 6:00am practice on Saturday. So the big nights are Thursday and Saturday.
The best social activity many UMBC students go to is Fishbowl on Thursdays or Loafers on Wednesdays. Both are off campus.
On campus activities can be sort of a joke. Its really sad, they’ll have some great event planed, and only 6 or 7 people will show up. Its like its uncool to go to school sponsored events. That bugs me. Also people go home way to much on the weekends. Its kinda sad that the campus gets so dead on Saturday and Sunday.
Honestly, there's not enough stuff to do on campus during the weekends. SEB (student events board) tries to put something on every weekend, but often resident students will go home for some odd reason, and commuters will stay home. (home isn't very fun in my opinion... if you want to stay home, go to community college or take online classes.) However, if you stay on the weekends you will find people who are bored and looking for something to do. Make friends with those people!!!
Being involved with athletics gave me the best opportunity to meet people. Other ways of meeting people are through classes, study groups or other random events that take place on campus during the year. The dting scene at UMBC isn't too bad, you jsut have to know what you're looking for, and if you can't find them on our ccampus, there are so many other schools close by. Partying within athletics happens a good amount of time, you just have to get in with them, Frats and sororities are big within themselves and not too much more, they are not your typical frats no matter how hard they try. Saturday nights you cna go see a movie on campus or go down to the inner harbor for dinner or ssomething else fun.
There are organizations to meet everyone's interest and if you can't find an organization to meet you interest all you have to do is gather a group of friends with same interest and create your own organization! As much importance UMBC places on academics, it places equal importance on social life.
AS stated above--almost all activities can be found.
Most of the older dorms (Chesapeake, Susquehanna, Potomac, Patapsco) are pretty social & people on the hall tend to know each other & keep doors open. If you want to study you'd be better off in Harbor or Erickson, where doors are kept more closed and you probably won't know your hall mates.
The only thing that me and my friends do is party. When it's class hours though we leave our doors open and have music on welcoming strangers in to visit and hang out. We always have a video game running in the background and at night we close our doors and pull out the party games for fun times. This is typical every night of the week and on weekends many students leave campus to go to College Park or to off-campus parties. Many of the parties stay underground between friends so getting in trouble is less likely if you stay in a dorm just be careful because RESLIFE is out to get everyone. Almost every Thursday of the semester is Fishbowl night and a lot of the wilder students go to the club down the street for live music and drinks. We dont have many greek life options and many of them are looked down upon for being snobs. If you asked me what i did last weekend then all I can say is went to the spot to get munchies and then went to some dorm or apartment to party and the rest is a blur. If you dont like partying you can go to the Saturday night on campus movie, sometimes we have concerts and plays, and open mic nights. Off campus we have Frederick road which has some awesome music stores, restaurants, and shops. Also 10 minutes away is the harbor and 20 minutes away are several other colleges to visit friends at. If I was awake at 2am on a Tuesday I would either be writing a last minute paper or partying with friends.
Frats and sorrorities do exist, but as they dont have campus housing, you can pretty much avoid them if you want to. I met my closest friends through the musical groups i am involved in. If you play a musical instrument deffinetly join pep band, we are soooo much fun and every one is extremely friendly, we love new people!!