University of Maryland-Baltimore County Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


I would say that many of the ethnic/cultural groups are very popular amongst people who fall into those categories. Also, I would say that men's lacrosse, men's basketball, and women's volleyball are among the most popular varsity sporting teams on campus. Men's rugby is also pretty well-known. Some students in dorms leave their doors open, others don't. Athletic events are semi-popular, but interest is growing due to recent successes of men's and women's swimming and diving, men's lacrosse, men's basketball, and women's basketball. I think guest speakers are pretty well attended. I have no idea about theater productions. Every year we have Quadmania which consists of a carnival type scene and a big concert. People party frequently, you just have to seek them out and find them. It is not all over campus like many other universities. Fraternities and sororities are pretty important to those involved with them. I think they are not as big on our campus because they are not allowed to have sorority/frat houses on campus or in the neighboring community. Last weekend I just relaxed and hung out with friends, nothing too exciting. On a Saturday night that doesn't involve drinking... hang out with friends, watch others drink, go to the movies, relax. Off campus I go into downtown Baltimore and visit some of the social spots down there, go to the mall, go to the movies, and visit friends who live off campus.


1. Lacrosse, Rugby, Basketball (for now). I was involved with the Cigar Enthusiasts for awhile. 2. some do. 3. Athletics get more popular the closer we get to tournaments. The theatre isn't to popular, and guest speakers are hit-or-miss, 4. Dating scene? That's whatever someone makes of it on their own individual level. Personally, it's been just fine for me. 5. Random parties that turned into friendships. 6. Staring at the ceiling, trying to go to sleep because I've got to get up at 7:30. 7. Drunken football, crab feast at the end of spring semester, steak and stogie with the bros. quadmania. 8. Depends. Sometimes once a week, sometimes every night, sometimes once a month, sometimes it's a question of whether or not the party ever ends. 9. To me: not very. I despise the organizations themselves but generally get along with the frat guys that aren't total douches. Same with the sorority sisters. I get along with the ones that aren't stuck up. 10. Last weekend was Easter, so I was in Gettysburg visiting my grandparents. 11. Movies, cards, paintball, explosives, racing, game night, go home, sleep, have sex, go shopping, smoke cigars, read a book, fix something that reslife should've taken care of, clean the apartment, the list goes on... 12. Pretty much the same thing as above.


Since UMBC is such a young school, it struggles in the sense of tradition. There is also no football team- so if you want that traditional experience of tailgating and going to games- UMBC isn't for you. That doesn't exist. I don't know what the most popular clubs are. And athletic events arent very popular unless a team (mainly lax or bball) is doing really well. I've been told our theatre is amazing, and I've been a few times, but I don't think it is overly popular. There are a lot of guest speakers, but often at times I can't attend. Homecoming happens every year- which is centered around the mens soccer game. It is usually a big deal and a lot of people come out for that. I don't know about the dating scene- I met my boyfriend in a class, but I don't think that is common. UMBC is certainly not overflowing with beautiful people- not at all. If you are awake at 2 am on a Tuesday, you are either alone or at The Spot- a place to get food late at night. That is another prob with UMBC-few things are open late at night. Frats/Soroities aren't as important as they seem at other campuses. At any normal school I'd say there are normal people partying and having a good time, that don't belong to Greek Life. But at UMBC- If you are drinking and partying, you most likely belong to Greek Life or are an athlete. It seems that the majority of the population doesn't really care about the Greek system and doesn't want to be involved in those drinking activities, and therefore, doesnt deem it important. I have no idea what you can do on a saturday that doesnot involve drinking- you would have to go off campus to have fun- and that is like 15 min to the nearest mall/movie theatre. The majority of people who go out on weekends go downtown to bars- there are four main hot spots- Powerplant, Fells Point, Federal Hill, and Canton. Most people go to either powerplant or federal hill. There are tons of bars for w/e you desire and tons of college kids. There is no local bar that isnt a complete dive and a piece of shit. I think a local bar would be cool as well.


If I am awake on Tuesday at 2am I am either frantically finishing a paper, or hanging out in the common room watching a movie, talking, or stretching with a group of friends. Usually it is the latter because on our floor someone is usually always up. If not then, I am asleep because I have class at 10. On a saturday without drinking? You can do numerous things. There are parties on our floor every once in a while but mostly it would be watching movies, going into baltimore, or just hanging out with friends. UMBC groups hold activiites and sponsor 3 times a week movie nights. I go home to my family, go into Arbutus or Catonsville for food. Lots of people like to go to Double TT diner late at night or for me Sorenntos. There is a lot that goes on in the city, but other people than I usually do that.


Sports and Greek life are the most popular extra-curricular activities on campus. I'm in Phi Mu and it rocks.


Students in dorms do leave their doors open. Athletic events have not been popular until recently, perhaps a change in the school spirit, but only time will tell. Theater is not incredibly popular but I have been to a few plays and they are quite good, if you ever get a chance you should go see one, very talented people!! My closest friends were my teammates. Studying, or eating at late night, or possibly at a party, but not likely. Each year there is quadmania which is an event that occurs in the spring and has a musical guest, sometimes a comedian, and basically is a carnival, another weekend in which UMBC acts like a real college and it is pretty fun!! Groups of people party at different rates, some never party, some party 3 times a week, pretty rare for anyone to party much more than that but it has happened. Frats/sororities are somewhat important, they are not typical at UMBC though. Went to the America East Conference Championships to watch UMBC win!! Nothing to do on a saturday night that doesn't involve drinking, with the exception of the weekly movie in a lecture hall. Off campus you can go down to the inner harbor or other places downtown.


-Greek life is relatively popular. Rugby is by far the most organized and largest club sport on campus and turns out the largest crowds. I have been VP of the rugby club for almost a year and I have gained great leadership experience and was part of the team as it evolved from a screw-around club to the powerhouse it is today. We started a scholarship fund, began volunteering at an orphanage, held BBQ's for all of our home games, built bleachers for the club sports field, renovated the sports clubhouse, and the list goes on. -students usually close their doors -athletic events are getting very popular -guest speakers are not popular -theater is not so popular, but I don't run with that crowd so idk for sure -met my closest friends through rugby or partying -2am on a Tuesday I am doing some sort of hw, rarely will I might be drinking. Most often i will be sleeping -UMBC BBQ bash, rugby has a huge event with prizes, free Tshirts, etc. RAC in BLACK is for the basketball team's opening season. -Depends on who you know. Some people party every day and normally fail. Some party on weekends and have straight As. Some never party and just hang out. Some never do anything but play WoW. -Personally I don't think greek life is important. You pay lots of money to drink beer with your 'bros'. Once in a blue moon a frat will throw a big party which is always appreciated but that hasn't happened in months. -Last weekend I was home for Easter. The weekend before I was in Savannah, GA for a rugby tournament and to partake in the nations largest St. Patricks Day celebration -Watch a movie in a lecture hall, play pool, fingerpaint maybe? I'm not sure, I am a drinker -I live off campus, party off campus, eat off campus


The most popular organizations on campus are cultural clubs and greek life. I am the Vice President of Operations of Delta Phi Epsilon. Joining DPhiE is one of the best decisions I have made in my life, and it has made me grow as an individual. DPhiE has also changed my first impressions of the social scene at UMBC and has inspired me to be more involved on campus. Athletic events do not get much support, and professors persuade students to attend guest speaker lectures by offering to give extra credit for attendance. If I am awake at 2 am on a Tuesday, I am hanging out with my sisters or studying. The only tradition that is prevalent in my mind is Quadmania. There are some people that party more than half of the weeek, and there are other students who do not party at all. Sororities and fraternities create a more unified community through community service, fundraising, and philanthropy events. Last weekend, I went to Good Friday service at church, and on Saturday I went to Easter service. I also spent time with my family and sisters. I can go bowling, go to Dave and Busters, watch a movie, eat, study, workout, and go to the mall on a Saturday night instead of drink.


Hypnosis is awesome. always have a decent block party. Quadmania always brings a well known musical artist to the school. LOTS of guest speakers and presentations and lots to do. lots of plays and all going on. On a tuesday well i sleep because im cranky otherwise! in dorms doors are open a lot! closet friends are room mates suite mates hall mates dorm mates class mates and peopel i know through them! people party more than people thing for UMBC. last weekend I had part of an inteview for a job, caught up on some sleep, and went into baltimore to B-Body Worlds. Saturday nights see a movie, SEB (students event board) almost ALWAYS has something going on. throw your own non drinking party (so much fun!)


South Asian Students Association, Go Club, intramural sports. Student Government has been amazing as I have had the opportunity to really advocate for my fellow students and change things on the campus for the better. In general, people leave their doors open in the residence halls. This year we've been packing the arena for the men's basketball games. Speakers and theater are popular as well. We're pretty close to 50:50 so you've got a good shot - chances are the people you meet are going to be smart in some way. I met my closest friends through classes and doing homework together afterward, as well as people who lived on my dorm floor. Probably on the computer and talking to my roommates. Homecoming, some cultural events, Quadmania (school carnival). There are parties going on if you know the right people and where to look, but generally I'd say there is less of that than at other schools. It depends on what you're looking for in your college experience. Greek life is pretty active here but they don't have their own housing options. Visited my fiancee, edited some video footage for SGA, and went in to work. You can visit Baltimore, watch the campus movie, hang out with your friends playing Guitar Hero...