University of Maryland-College Park Top Questions

Describe the students at University of Maryland-College Park.


My classmates in engineering were very competetive when it came to projects, but tight groups were formed early so everyone was able to succeed.


Engaged, helpful, friendly people that enjoy their university and their peers


Most are very friendly ,supportive and considerate, when it comes to school work.


In the bio dept, students are cut-throat to get ahead. Compete.


My classmates fall into just about every category I can think of.


i go to school with about 35,000 people so its hard to give a genreal discription of my classmates but we tend to all have the same attitude towards the learning material in a specific class. for examle if i hate it, that means most other people do as well.


My classmates are for the most part friendly with a good attitude and fun to hang around with, although I think some of the in-state kids have a more negative attitude, probably because this school was less likely to be their first choice.


Well-rounded, diverse, involved and academic individuals.


The students here are academically driven to be sure, but they are also very caught up with the party aspect of this school, there will be at least three people that are still hungover from the night before in a given class room of about 40 students. There seems to be a very collective atmosphere but it's not exactly a school of boys in sweater vests, girls in plaid skirts, rather there are plenty of baseballs caps and Ugg Boots.


Most people are pretty friendly but there always exceptions.