University of Maryland-College Park Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Maryland-College Park know before they start?


Attending college is probably the hardest you will ever have to work in your studies. When you come in as a freshman it doesn't seem that difficult at first. But study your butt off for the first test of every class, because it will be the easiest and you will stay above the curve and get to know your 100/200 level course professors, because you can get reccommendations and research opportunities earlier then students who who wait until junior and senior year, which gives you a competitive advantage. Try and attend school near a city or cosmopolitan area, you will have more access to jobs and internships and put less pressure on yourself to find one over the summer when everyone home from college is also competing for internships. These are four years of your life you are never going to have again, get as involved as you can and put yourself out there. Even if you just try something once, Universities are intellectual hubs for the arts and sciences. Not a fan of ballet, or football? Who cares, go while it is an opportunity available to you!


Your vision is hazy, distorted by the dense fog that is the future. Sure, the fog will burn off from the sun that is the present, but the night has just begun. You think you can see through that fog, but in reality, you cannot. Why spend time trying to see through the fog when you can wait for the sun to come up? Focus on the clarity that is the current. The sun is shining brightly, illuminating everything within arms distance, which you will soon realize you miss dearly. Lucky will not be greeting you at your feet when you enter your dorm room. You and mom will not be having your late night talks. The whiteboard message from dad every morning will now be unwritten. They say home is where the heart is, but that alone is misleading. When a family is together, the heart is healthy and from those “walls” a home is born. When separated, the heart is weakened and it is merely a room. Once you realize this, you will be able to enjoy the sunny day that is upon you, enjoying it together at home before the fog clears.


If I could go back to high school knowing what I know about college I would tell myself find some real friends and practice math more. I would tell myself these things because, math is a skill we use in everyday life and maybe if I had practiced more, I could have tested out and saved some money. I would tell myself find some real friends, because the few friends I had stop talking to me. I am not sure what happened but when I went to college, some of them chose the easy way and took a small time job. The girl I thought was my best friend called me stuck up and deleted my number. I do not judge or look down on anyone, but all my time goes t my children and school so, I guess we drifted apart. Now, I literally have no friend except my sister. Making the transition from high school is not easy, but if you focus on yur studies and not video games then you will manage just fine


I would advise myself as a high school senior to not wait until junior and senior year to start attempting to strengthen my GPA. I would also notify myself not to socialize so much and to pay more attention to the words that my teachers were trying to get across to me. I would've also applied for a lot more scholorships, because there is only so much that FAFSA can cover. Coming out of high school I can remember applying for a few scholorships, but not enough to provide aid to attend. Once I got to college I thought all my finicial aid was covered and proceeded with my first term only to be billed for classes that weren't covered through aid. I would advise a high school senior to check in with their college counciler a few times a month just to make sure everything is taken care of, because alot of times they might not be.


I would tell my high school self that when applying for college focus on all the different alternatives and don’t get too hung up on one college choice. It is easy to fall in love with a school, and extremely difficult to fall out of love with it, but there are so many different schools that could be just as wonderful if not more so if you give them the chance. Make sure that you are happy where you are and that you are academically challenged to do well in school. Is this school really the best option for your major as well as your financial situation?I would tell my high school self to consider all the options before settling on one and setting my heart to it. Although your choice is not permanent, it is much easier if you make the right choice the first time around. College is a place where you will grow not only academically, but also socially. It is a place where you should be able to have as many opportunities as you want at your grasp to become well rounded in leadership, academics, sports as well as social activities.


Going back in time, I would tell myself that organization, planning, and recording are essential to success at a university. In college, I was thrust into a life of independence and increased personal responsibility. At home I was very reliant on my parents to remind me of important events and due dates. In high school, I never used my academic planner and depended heavily on my memory. I thought this trend would continue into college but it quickly succumbed to the, at the time, seemingly overbearing workload. I started to miss assignment due dates, and inefficiency reigned as I mismanaged my workload. After these beginning weeks, my frustration was reaching a breaking point, and I decided to start writing nearly everything down. I took this idea to heart, and adamantly moved towards this goal. Nothing was too insignificant to record as post-it notes annexed my desk as their own. And it worked. I was able to salvage my grades and return them to a grade point average that was respectable for a student in the honors college. If only I had started organizing earlier, I wouldn’t have needed to make this transition during an already stressful time.


College can be a very fun and exciting experience! I'm sure if you ask current students attending colleges and universities, they will say "College is what you make it," and its true; everyone has a different college experience, but the decisions you choose to make will determine how fun, or stressful you will be. To have the best possible experience, I encourage all first year students to reside on campus and become involved in clubs and organizations. Dorm life and joining clubs are great ways to make new friends, which will help make the transition into college a lot easier. However, I would not suggest to overwhelm yourself by joining too many organizations and attending many events, such as parties. Having freedom is great, but the most valuable thing in college is your time. You have to maintain a balance between your studies and extracurricualr activities. You are paying for your education, so it is important to take it seriuosly, this means attending all classes, turning work in on time, and getting help if needed. There are many resources on campus for students to use; I suggest taking advantage of them. Lastly, stay true to your values and morals.


Be yourself. Don't be stand-offish but dont be in someone's space. You dont have to spend 24/7 with people. Alone time is nice too. Don't snack too much at night and try to keep your room clean. Most people make their beds on the daily.


If I could go back to high school, I would tell myself to try to get more leadership roles. Since I was always the minority in every school that I have attended and positions in organizations are based on popularity, I was not able to obtain many leadership roles. This has crippled me in many areas for scholarships. It is not enough to be intelligent, earn good grades, or have the most volunteer hours in the school. I would like to have more to offer the many universities where I was accepted. In addition to the leadership roles, I wish I would have focused more on the SAT test. I believe the combination of leadership and SAT scores would have helped me to earn more scholarships for my entire college career. Now I am forced to constantly search for funding for the remainder of my education.


As you embark on the next four years of your life, take a minute and listen to my words. The time will fly by, so enjoy it while you are there. Get involved immediately, whether it is in sports, clubs or other organizations. Most of the friends you meet in high school, will be your lifetime friends. Be good to your friends and nourish your relationships. Be a good listener and take time to help others in need. Be kind to all. Also, be kind and considerate to your teachers. Get to know them, it is good for them to know that you are trying. Give them a break, they are just trying to help you. As for your parents, don't give them a reason to be breathing down your neck about homework or projects. Manage your time wisely and don't procrastinate. Study hard and learn good study skills, this will help you in college tremendously! Lastly, make the most of everyday, attend sporting events, plays and concerts. Don't worry about being cool. Just be yourself and enjoy your time, because before you know it, it will be over.