University of Maryland-College Park Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Maryland-College Park know before they start?


My first advice i would give myself would to be apply to as many scholarships as you possible can. I have learned that college is expensive living on your own and paying rent can be difficult if you can find a scholarship that can help you pay tuition you immediately give yourself one less burden to worry about. I would tell myself to get serious on finding the right school, searching a school on the internet does not give you all the information you need to make the right decision. Go and take visits to multiple schools, a visit is where you get a chance to not only physical see the school but you learn about the people, the area, and the environment. Lastly don't quit if you experience failure, failure will occur not matter how hard you may try for something. The biggest key to dealing with failure is understanding that God has a plan for you, if you fail at something you will succeed at something else. The biggest moments occur when you decide on what to do after failure, you can either get up or stay down. NEVER STAY DOWN! Always find ways to grow.


If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, the biggest advice about college life/making the transition into college that I would give myself would be to never fall behind with your work, ask questions, and study more than you think you need to. College really is so much different from high school when it comes to schoolwork. In high school, there were many nights where I had absolutely no homework. In college, a lot of my nights revolve around completing my homework. I have witnessed my peers fall behind, and they usually do not get back on track right away. Along with not falling behind, I would tell myself to ask questions. Sure, sometimes I felt a little unintelligent asking so many questions, but asking questions is what makes me comprehend the material I learn a lot better. I would also tell myself to study, study, STUDY. Tests in college are a big deal--they make up a lot of your grade in the class. I would try to over-study just to make sure I would do well and succeed in the class.


If I could give my high school self advice, I would tell myself try harder in school. Although I graduated in the top five percent of my class, I know that I could have done so much better, especially in math and science. I am pursuing my degree in engineering, and much of the material I come across was already taught to me in high school. If I had mastered the information at that time, college would be so much easier. Another thing that I would tell myself is that I need to learn to manage my time wiser. If I had figured this out while I was in high school, I would have been able to get my schoolwork done faster and more efficiently in college. Also, I would have had more time for extracurricular activities this semester. Finally, I would advise myself to learn how to study for my math and science classes properly. I did not figure out that this was one of my main problems until more than halfway through the semester. My GPA would be so much higher if I had learned these essential skills in high school.


My initial college experience was quite different from what most young people encounter. I was home-schooled - finishing high school early. I found myself a college freshman when I was barely fifteen. As a naïve sheltered fifteen year old I faced major culture shock. Socially I was unprepared to mingle and integrate with my fellow students who were several years older and much worldlier. I wasn't even old enough to drive and my academic peers were adults with adult pursuits. Although I excelled academically, looking back I didn't have the emotional and mental capacity to fully comprehend all I was learning. If I could give any advice to my fifteen year old self, it would be to slow down. Although it was cool and a novelty to be the youngest student on campus, I would have been much better served to have attended a post-grad course of study at a prep school. Although an important gauge, college is much more than a grade point average. Education at its best shapes the whole person. Maturity is necessary to fully avail oneself of all it offers. At forty-one, I think I am ready.


Apply early action for colleges and make sure you study for the last SAT! Try to join clubs for the fall.


Apply to as many scholarships as you can get your hands on! Every little bit helps, especially becuase FAFSA doesn't really allot you sufficientfunds for your education. Even if you know think you're going to apply or attend an in-state school, apply for in-state funding and financial aid anyway. If I had done that despite my true belief that I was going away I would have a much easier time with having scholarship money now.


Follow this as best as you can: study, work hard, be organized and have fun. By having great study habits will get you very far in college and will pay off. Hard work leads to success in the future whether it is through school or life in general. Remaining focused will help in the long run, it may be hard but really worth it. Organization is most definitely key because there are so many deadlines. If you stay on track with events and have a calendar that will keep you in line and will help in college for example planning your semester. There is also time to have fun and enjoy the social aspect of school. You are young and there is only one prom, so enjoy it because you cannot get that time back. Although senior year is always stressful take time for yourself because if not the stress will only bottle up more. It is possible to work hard and have fun at the same time.


I would say: college is amazing; it is fun and everyone treats you like an adult. Yet, this does not mean you can go out everynight to the parties and skipping classes instead of studying; this means more responsibility on yourself and more opportunities out there to compete for your future. I know the first year/semester may be a lot of fun, but always remember why you are here. Why do you go to college? To learn and prepare yourself for future career. Therefore, mamange your time wisely and put school as your priority. Find the balance in between, and you will succeed while having fun.


A Message to Give You Strength Senior year is overwhelmed with pressure and stress to make a decision that will determine the rest of your life. While teachers and counselors encourage you to strive for prestigious schools to earn an esteemed degree, others suggest the idea of ignoring college and instead entering the workforce immediately. While it may seem easier to pass up college and begin a full time job, do not let this temptation control your decision. Many people, your parents, your friends, your peers, may tell you that college is no longer worth the effort, but do not believe a word. Higher education is a necessary aspect of life that all individuals should experience. Not only does the knowledge gained through college strengthen the type of citizen you are, but the non-class room experiences also enrich your personality. Every aspect of college is worth the work. While you may not have the finances necessary for college, and you may fear the possibility of not finding a job after, continue fighting for this experience because it will be worth it in the end, despite what others believe.


There are so many things I wish I could go back in time and tell myself. I would to tell myself to stop rolling my eyes at my dad and start listening when he is telling me how important college is. I would tell myself to get out from infront of the tv and learn how to study, because you're not very good at it. I would tell myself that highschool, socially speaking, is nothing like college and it is extremely important to learn how to study instead of, well anything else. I would tell myself not to turn into a procrasinator. Most importatnly i would tell myself that no matter what bumps you hit in the road, you make it out the other side so do not dwell on them, there are more important things to do.