University of Maryland-College Park Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Maryland-College Park know before they start?


Looking back, I would tell my high school senior self to buckle up and get ready for a bumpy ride. College is where you can discover youself - what you want out of life, and what you must do to accomplish it. You'll meet individuals along the way, that can help or hinder you. Surround yourself with positive individuals, and you'll have a positive outlook. Also, don't be afraid to try new things, have fun, but make sure there's an equal balance of work and play. But most of all, keep true to yourself. That's the most important thing.


As a freshman it is very important that you hit the ground running academically. Socializing is important but it is wise to start your first semester off strong. Network with others within your field of study so that you have an idea of the intensity of the courses and any possible drawbacks in internship availability. Get active physically and within the community, as a Maryland student it is often encouraged that you encourage and provide support to students pursuing their degree here. Last but not least, show school spirit, you will be suprised in how many students do not take advantage of the events that take place on campus. Believe in yourself.


The first thing I would tell myself is to not stress out too much about the idea of a massive workload waiting to swallow me whole. That being said, I would also say that it is way too easy to give in to the temptation of partying, and I need to prepare for that. Sure, the workload at College Park isn?t too bad, but it becomes a nightmare if you procrastinate due to hanging out and staying up into the wee hours of the morning. Also, I would tell myself to jump at the chance to talk to people on the first day of school. Everyone is eager to make friends, but is too shy to make the first connection. Talk to the students sitting around you, join lots of clubs, even if you are only mildly interested, and definitely put yourself out there. That is the fool-proof way of making new friends. With new friends, college life is definitely not that bad!


If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to do the best I could in the rest of my high school classes. It looks that much better for your transcript, and some of the information proves helpful later on in your college classes. Don't be overly conscious and comparing yourself to others: self worth is inherent, so be proud of yourself and engage other people without reservations. Don't be afraid to take risks: live so you have no regrets, which is different from making a mistake. You learn from mistakes; things to regret are what you knew to and could have done, but didn't. Practice good study habits: You have much more free time in college, and you are completely in charge of it. Mastering time management along with good study habits will make life much easier. Lastly, whatever you are passionate about, or whatever inspires you; chase after it, learn from it. Give it to God, and stay in his will, and everything else will fall in line.


Study is not the ultimate goal, and it is the only way to realize your final goal. Be more diligent in study, and be more careful in planning career, and be more cautious in every step of your career path. Do not waste time in anything that you do not like. Interest is the best teacher for every person to do a good career.


If I were given the opportunity to give myself some advice there would be quite a few areas to cover. The first piece of advice I would give would be to apply to the University of Maryland. This school was not even one of my choices, yet the school that I thought I would love ended up not being the best fit for me. After having a hard time I applied and transfered to Maryland and absolutely love it. I would encourage myself to take hold of all of the opportunities that arise, and not to allow any of them to pass me by. I would warn myself of all the different distractions that come when transitioning from high school to college, and to be prepared to focus even harder than ever. I would also advice myself to do extensive research on back-up financial aid to pay for my education. I would suggest branching out and exploring the things I never knew.


The advice I would give myself if I could go back in time would be to remain true to myself. My freshman year I went to the University of Miami. I thought by going 1300 miles away from my hometown that I would be able to run away from myself. I thought I could finally be who I wanted to be and live as I always wanted to. I was wrong and soon realized where my heart lies and that place was with the University of Maryland, College Park. I thought going to school in my home state would trap me here forever. So despite the University of Maryland being my dream school, I left and began my journey to Miami. I now realize that I HAD to go to the University of Miami. I HAD to gain the knowledge, I HAD to live the lessons, and I HAD to meet the people I met there. With that knowledge, those lessons and people, I transferred to College Park equipped with the arsenal ready to destroy myself constructed, invisible prison. So... I would tell myself ?Travel the same path Kelly because the experiences will be invaluable to you.?


Well, I started out at a tech school right after graduating from highschool. I was 17 and I really wasn't ready for the college life. I stopped going to classes, couldn't handle the stress, and ending up taking a few years off. During these years I worked in the real world, got some amazing experience, and also realized I needed a college education to maintain the same level of living I was accustomed to growing up. I would tell myself that it's okay to take some time and figure things out. I would tell myself not to feel like a failure because my life may take a different direction from others. I would also tell myself that I need to do what's best for me, not necessarily what my friends are doing. And I would tell myself that no matter what I will always have a family who will root for me even if they don't agree with some things I do. Also, that following God is more important than any other decision I can make in my adult life.


If I could go back in time I would tell myself to not underestimate myself. Everyone out there is just as nervous to be a first time freshman and on their own as you are, reach out and you will find friends. Also, studying is necessary in college, and get started with that right away, don't wait until halfway through the semester. I realized through my semesters here that there is just as much to be gained outside the classroom and dorms as there is inside them. Due to this realization, the biggest piece of advice I would give myself is to take chances, go out and do things that might be outside my comfort zone, you can grow and learn through every experience, even if you start out as bad as I was that first ultimate frisby practice.


Imagine yourself alone in a small dorm room. It is 3 a.m. and you are trying to study for tomorrow's test. Through the walls you hear pounding bass and laughter reverberating in surrounding rooms. You have never really gotten to know these people, but wish you had. You flick off the light and slowly drift to sleep as feelings of loneliness and regret swirl through your mind. Now imagine yourself on the other side of those walls. You already studied for your test that afternoon with some fraternity brothers. You are now hanging out with some of the best friends you will likely ever meet in your entire life. Sure, you should probably be asleep but you are having such a good time relaxing you figure you can do with a little less sleep. There is a lot of middle ground between these two scenarios, but they highlight the single most important piece of advice i can offer. These next four years can be whatever you want them to be. You can drink every night or study every night. You can meet people or keep to yourself. Be smart and make the most of each day!