Attending the University of Maryland has been a valuable experience to me because I feel that I have learned a lot about myself and what I want to do with my life. Being able to choose from so many classes and major fields of study was a little overwhelming at first but once I started taking my required courses I was able to figure out where my true interests lie and what career I want to have after college. I have gained a lot of knowledge that has given me a broader perspective on life and allowed me to look at things in a different way. I have also gained a lot of great friends that I would not have met if I had not gone to UMD. The clubs and groups on campus offer a way to meet people who share the same interests as you and to have a good time, while the academics challenge you intellectually. My experience at the University of Maryland has been wonderful and I will always look back on my time there as one of the best times of my life.
I have already gotten so many things out of my college experience and I am not even half way finished my degree. I've learned to live on my own, provide for myself away from my parents, make crucial decisions, speak up for myself, and get out of my comfort zone. I've also learned a lot about myself, my views on things, and have gotten a more clear direction on what I want to do with my life (but still figuring things out along the way). Being in such a diverse community, I've learned to accept everyone for exactly who they are and to not see differences in people. I've made lifelong friends, and strengthened bonds I had previous to college.
I don't think a value can be placed on attending college. You get so much more than just a diploma, you get life lessons, friendships, connections, direction, and just an overall strengthened perception on life. I can't believe how much I've already learned and I can't wait to look back in another couple years to see what else I've obtained.
So far in my college experience, I have learned two skills or attributes. I have learned to be proactive in my assignments and endeavors and to endure through the the stress of working and going to school full-time. I value attending college because the experience has helped me learn of many untapped skills and it has enhanced my strengths. College has provided me with the wonderful opporunities of networking, great memories, lasting friendships, and the sense of being able to accomplish a long term goal. Mostly importantly, it has exposed me to vast knowledge that I can use to improve the world, and the my local community and to hopefully start a legacy for my kids to follow. Up to this point, I value college because through the diverse student body and intense work, I am being prepared for the real world.
From attending University of Maryland I received a sense of motivation, responsibility and pride in my work and the choices that I make. The school is an environment that allows everyone to have fun, even the teachers emphasize that, but there is always a a constant push to excel academically and to learn the material. Motiviation, responsibility and pride are important because it helps prepare me for the real world and not enter it with my head down afraid. UMDCP wants their students to excel and to grow into responsible adults in order to contribute to society as well as to the UMD community. There is always a feeling of coming back to UMCP and returning the favor here at UMCP (because you are grateful for the education and help). UMCP is a fun, hardworking and gregarious community and I would recommend it to any other student thinking about college. GO TERPS!!!!!
My college experience has taught me who I am. College presents the opportunity to be independent. Your parents, your siblings, are no longer around to form who you are. You're on your own. You set your own expectations. This experience has been very valuable to me because I have learned my expectations. I still want to succeed and do my best, and now I know that it's because I want to, not because I don't want to let people [i.e. my parents] down. I do it for me.
Since starting college, I have learned so much and met so many people from a variety of backgrounds. I enjoy going to class and hearing about new ideas and concepts that I did not know before. The opportunity to experience something unfamiliar, to be introduced to ideas that were once foreign to me is one of the most exciting and rewarding parts of my attendance at my college. I was never truly enthused to go to school when I was younger, but now I enjoy each day that I spend with my professors in this learning environment. Access to this has broadened my view of the world, and opened me to whole new ways of thinking and perceiving what is happening around me. This is, perhaps, the most valuable part of my experience thus far.
My overall college experience has changed my world in so many ways. I graduated from a very small private school. When I stepped foot onto the college campus for the first time, it introduced me to a bigger, more exciting world. One aspect that I very much appreciate from my college experience relates to my exposure to other cultures, of which I had very little prior. It was not until I attended the University of Maryland that I saw so many cultures together. Some of my classes discussed cultural differences, which sparked a newly found interst in learning about them, their people and customs. I found that all fascinating. The University of Maryland also offers a vast number of social clubs where I can delve further into my cultural intersts, including learning about my own background. While money is tight and I may complain about that, my overall experience with the college cannot be valued monetarily. Rather, I will be able to take something lasting from my experiences there that goes beyond a simple check.
My college experience at the University of Maryland, College Park has been life-changing. From the bright intellectuals from the ongoing networks in the Maryland community, to the CIVICUS volunteers in Somerset Hall, and to the incredibly involved, never slumbering campus, the University of Maryland has opened that door of opportunity to mutually impact the lives of every student. Exclusively for myself, I’ve sat in on emotion fed lectures delivered with such astonishing information. I’ve reaped the true feeling of hard work of through successes, as well as the indignation towards any and all forms of procrastination. Lastly, through the will of God, I ran into on-campus students claiming to be Christians, or better yet, Disciples of Christ. Meeting this small body of students not only altered my future college ambitions, but they have inspired me to take my talents, character, and academic poise and collaborate it with the sincerity of my heart. My life will never be the same again after attending the University of Maryland and that is why my education here is so valuable. From the people I know now to the knowledge I’ve attained, nothing can take that away.
I have learned that there are so many different types of people in this world. At the University of Maryland, there are people of various backgrounds. The diversity at the University of Maryland has opened my eyes to the world and its people. Attending the University of Maryland is valuable because the knowledge I will acquire from my school I plan to spread all over the world.
My college experience has been valuable to me because it gives me a chance to better my skills and talents under the guidance of very intelligent professors and staff members.