I plan on being a music teacher and the experience that I have gained so far has been amazing. I love college. I've gained knowledge of how to be a better musician, I've gained confidence in talking and performing in front of people through my public speaking class, I've learned to work with a group and with a variety of people. College ROCKS!
From my college expierence, so far, I have learned several things. Of course I have learned what people traditionally think of when one goes off to college such as resposibility and independence. But, in addition, I have learned much more. I have learned everything from new fashion trends to how to share a dorm bathroom with a several other college freshmen to how to take the derivative of a log function in calculus. I have learned what it is like enjoy the company of new faces and new people from all around the world, and I have learned what tremedouse difference sitting in the front of a lecture class can make from sitting in the back. Most importantly, I have learned, that value of a good education in today's society, and that there is so much in the world to learn. In just one semester I have learned substantial priceless information to better myself in life; however this great gain did come with a price - a tuition - which, so far, my parents have had to pay. This I why request this scholarship so I may continue my quest in knowledge, and repay my parents.
Obtaining two degrees (BS-Marketing and International Business) allowed me a wide variety of opportunities domestically and internationally. Many career opportunities opened up for me right after graduation; however, I chose to take all of my experiences at UM and live and work abroad to further my education. Falling back on my college experiences gave me the confidence to focus on my studies and never give up until I reached my desired goals.
Upon my return to the US, I was able to reacclimate myself into the American environment and continue to expand upon what I had learned at the university. I also participated in some of their alumni events for networking opportunities. Overall, I feel that most of the academic and social experiences that I had at UM were beneficial and helped me in every aspect of my life. I'm currently working on my Masters in Human Resource Management/MBA.
My college experiance has and will continue to, open up new avenues for me for a carreer choice. I have also made many new friends and learned more I think than I ever did in my younger years. I also have the support of my fiance and my children which is very important to me. This has made returning to school a very easy transition.
Returning to school these days is not always an easy thing. Being laid off from my job for over a year and trying to survive on unemployment while furthering my education has indeed been a challenge. What has made this challenge easier to deal with is in knowing the opportunities that await me upon graduation and the self satisfaction of obtaining a college degree.
A great education and memorable college experience. I have gotten valuable working opportunities that will help me in obtaining a career in the future.
In a very competitive country like the United States, I need to be well educated to pursue and get the career and the job that I want. Attending college gave me the chance to work with and be taught by some of the finest and most knowledgeable people in the United States. My professors in Montgomery College help to achieve my goals. Recently, one of my professors recommended and helped me to be an intern in a research at Georgetown University. One of the countries that produce well rounded and educated students is the United States. It was my dream to study in the United States. My expectations are even exceeded by the professional people that I met in Montgomery College. A college education gives me a sense of accomplishment and confidence that may be just what I needed in my professional and personal life.
What I have gotten out of my college experience is the friends I have made that will be friends for a lifetime. The saying does come true that your dorm friends will end up being your friends after college since you have lived together during the school years. I have met so many great people through living on campus and I feel that those contacts will be hard to lose after graduation.
So far, I have put a great number of computer science puzzle pieces together. I have learned and understood some of the most intricate computer science concepts, and I am very proud of myself in that virtually all of what I’ve learned makes sense to me and has assimilated in my mind. UMCP has given me a new sense of confidence and hope. Furthermore, all of the professional knowledge I have gained at UMCP makes me feel content, rich and valuable. Thanks to UMCP, computer science is now undoubtedly a passion of mine, and thanks to habits developed through computer science, I am consistently inclined to organize my research in a (very) efficient manner and consolidate everything, even in other areas of my life. Thanks to UMCP's computer science discipline, I always wonder about why something is done the way it is rather than simply accepting it, and I always seek relationships between concepts in everything, to connect 'puzzle pieces' and more readily and efficiently understand what I am facing. Consequently, I strongly believe I will be a great asset in the computer industry and able to create programs to facilitate life, for laryngeal cancer victims for instance.
From my college experience thus far, I have learned the importance of dedication. I have realized that the past is the past and the only thing I can control is what I do in the present. I have learned that if I put my mind to something there is nothing I cannot achieve and for me, this became especially apparent this semester. I made a promise to myself that I would put my schoolwork above everything else and the result was very rewarding. I obtained a 3.8 GPA, the highest GPA I have ever earned and it made me realize that I can achieve anything I put my mind to. My college career so far has enhanced my self-esteem and has made me realize my self-worth. I have become more independent and self-sufficient, while also realizing more about the world around me. I have become more passionate about helping others and have realized that the work I do in school is the beginning to a career that will hopefully be rewarding and satisfying to others and myself. Basically, I have become more rounded from my college experience and am eager for the next two years.
Attending the University of Maryland has opened my eyes to many sides of the world I have never seen. I have left a quiet suburban town in New Jersey for the bustling, upbeat life of College Park. Living minutes from Washington, D.C. lends itself to countless opportunities to become more involved in the world. Our campus also promotes student involvement in activities, clubs, and community service. I have taken advantage of these opportunities, as well as the broad range of educational options that are provided at large schools. The diversity of our campus has allowed me to become more educated about different groups of people and their belief systems. I feel that being able to learn through fellow classmates at the university is one of the greatest aspects of living at college. Learning from textbooks is helpful, but can only get you so far. The teachers and students that share this campus with me provide me with the true knowledge that will get me through life and have already influenced me immensely.