University of Maryland-College Park Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Maryland-College Park know before they start?


The biggest advice I would give myself would be to become more independent. It was hard for me to adjust with such drastic changes during my first semester. I realized that I was responsible for making my own schedule and do well in them. Of course, counseling helped me a lot, but I wasn't sure if Biology was the right major for me. Secondly, I would advice myself to start studying outside the class. In high school, I rarley found a need to study after school, but i still ended up doing well in most of my classes. During my first semester, I carried on with my high school style of studying. Soon, I realized that I was going to fail all my classes if I don't change my study habits. Third, I would advice myself to think critically and not just memorize class notes. College is more about applying learned material to real life situation. I found it hard to think critically in the beginning of college.


If I could talk to my high school self, I would tell myself not to worry as much as I did. The transition was not as bad as I originally thought. There was even a class that was made exactly for that purpose; to help freshmen transition into college life. I would also warn myself that my world is about to be opened to many different types of individuals that I had never seen before. My high school world was a small dot compared to the ever expanding diameter of my college world. I would warn myself that there will be individuals whom I will not get along with and there are individuals whom I will not agree with. The last thing I would tell myself is that my world is about to become vastly enlarged in a very miniscule amount of time and to be prepared. Oh, and to not eat so many instant noodles.


My advice to myself as a highschool senior would be to jump into everything with an open mind. There are new experiences, new people to meet, and so much to learn in your classes, and I think the most important thing is to look for opportunities to learn and push yourself to be active in your community. I think college is all about expanding your skills and broadening your horizons, and the best way to prepare for that is to start when you're still in highschool. I came into college timid and unsure, and, although I'm pushing myself now to become more active in my community, I wish I was able to go back in time to tell myself as a highschool senior to loosen up and keep an open mind going into anything. There's no telling what you can learn and what opportunities will arise if you give things your all and keep an open mind.


I would tell myself to complete college the first time right out of high school. I have realized it's harder to get back into school once your have been out of it for a while. While your in high school find your passion and go with it. Learning is a huge building block and everyday I am learning more and more knowledge that is just getting me started for a great career path. Achieve everything your could ever dream of.


Wow, I think that is a very good question. If I could go back and tell myself one thing it would be to prepare myself more. People always tell you to do this or do that but you never really listen but now I say to myself I should have listened. Now I am telling my younger sister who is a senior in high school to prepare herself for college. Take extra classes, get a part time job and save for unexpected expenses apply for scholarships and be serious about your education. If I would have prepared myself by doing those things would be different for me but I know everything happens for a reason and all I can do and strive and do my best by moving forward.


If I could speak with my high school self, I would tell myself to stop for a minute and think of what I'm truely passionate about. In high school, I was very involved in my sport, especially since I was being recruited by schools I was applying to. Due to this, I feel I disregarded other things I knew I was talented at. I choose my college, attended it, entered with a major I thought I would enjoy, then realized I was not happy. I've always been an artist and as I became unhappy with my major, I started drawing more. I saw how happy art made me and wondered why I didn't pursue art when I have the talent for it. That's when I took a leap of faith and switched majors, to studio-art major. I do wish I took the time to realize this is my passion when I was in high school, because I would have applied to different colleges with stronger art programs. So, I would tell my high school self to follow what you are really passionate about, because that will have the impact on the rest of your life.


"Norma all you have to do in order to succeed is to believe in yourself. All the hard studying will all soon pay off the hard work you've done at the end." All that I've experienced in school was a big slap in the face. I've suffered like every single student around the world. I've been raised by wonderful parents who always wanted me to become a successful daughter who in the future won't have to depend to much on them or get yelled out by there manager or boss. Now that I'm the first one in the family to make it to college I tend to finish first in the family. The things I've learned in college was such a wonderful experience because right here I've learned to depend on myself and not to much on my parents. I've learned to get out of my comfortable zone and speak up. I remember when I was scared to go alone at college but now that I know how it feels I'd say to my senior self "Don't procastinate life would change for you not for worse but good."


College is not as difficult as perceived, but that does not imply that it is simple either. One thing for sure is that it takes a lot more work to receive higher grades. Anyone can pass a course, but not everyone can receive an A in every course. During my high school years I was an honors student and I honestly did not have to try as hard to receive good grades, but I could have tried harder. I was an A and B student, but I could have been an A+ student in high honors or magnet. The advice I would give myself is to enroll in AP courses and try even harder in school as well as study for long hours. I know for a fact that doing this would have paid off. College would be a lot easier for me and I believe my gpa would also be higher as a result because I would be used to studying for longer hours and devoting more time to learning and my education. There is not a limit to studying or to how much a person can learn. All it takes is time, devotion, and motivation.


With the wisdom that I have gotten from this first year at college, I often wish I could go back and have a conversation with my "high school" self. That conversation might have altered the decisions I made about college and life overall. My high school years were not very memorable to me. In high school, it felt as though I was just going through the motions. I did the same tedious things every day but was a good student. I was extremely ready for college. If I could sit down with myself a year ago, I would remind myself to enjoy this time of not having to work; enjoy this time of going to school for free; enjoy being youthful. As a senior, I was always imagining how great college life would be; when in fact, it's a struggle everyday. I would tell myself to go to the small school that was offering scholarship money and to not accept the acceptance from the state school which would leave me in debt for years to come. It is fine to think and dream about the future, but do not rush into it because you can never go back.


Take your time you don't have to do all four years at once. Work full time and go to school part time. You can get help with grants and scholarships. These are a few things that I have recently learned. It is definitely better to do it when your mind is young and responsibilities are few. DON'T wait, it just gets harder to concentrate and stay focused. When you are young you have the energy and ability to do more physically and mentally. When you get to be in your fourties it gets more difficult. Your body can't endure as much stress with age. Do it while you are young and energetic.