To say that I have received simply an education here at the University of Maryland would be an understatement. Coming from a small town where everyone is essentially the same, it's a gratifying change to be part of a school that is filled with so much diversity. I have learned an immeasurable amount simply from being immersed into a melting pot of cultures, beliefs, and affiliations. I have been exposed to a variety of people and views other than my own which ultimately have help me to become a better student. It has been valuable to attend college not only because of the opportunities I am being provided with due to the education aspect, but because I have grown, and will continue to grow, as a student and ultimately as a person.
My college experience has allowed me to grow a lot as a person, as well as academically. Coming to a big school, I had to learn what I was most passionate about as soon as possible, so I could start getting involved in everything that I wanted to be involved in quickly. Maryland has allowed me to explore new aspects of myself, such as my love of volunteering, and I've been able to go on a service trip abroad, and I plan on going on a few more before I graduate. Thinking about my experience now is difficult, because I am still a student, but I know that when I reflect a few years from now, I will see all the ways that Maryland has changed my life. I am more determined to put myself out there, despite the number of people around me; I am comfident, and driven, and will work towards any goal; I am able to better find resources that I need, and am more willing to utilize them. Maryland has had nothing but a positive impact on my life, and I can be sure that I would not be the same without it.
My college experience thus far has given me a great sense of accomplishment, an accomplishment not quite like any other. I have become more confident, personable, and indepedent. The skills I have learned have led me to volunteer and help others and be the better person. The greatest benefit of college is knowing that you are working towards the completion of a long term goal. College lets me realize that I can do anything I want and be whoever I want to be.
Out of my college experience I have gained self-respect, knowledge for my career, and knowledge of how to successfully take care of myself thoughout life. My school has prepared me for what is ahead, taught me how to be a leader for myself and others as I continue through life, and has helped me to start the path toward my career goals. It has been very valuable for me to attend school because it keeps me motivated to get to where I want to be in life. It has also helped to teach me that there is more to life then just the present, I have my entire future to think about. Cottey College has helped me start to become who I want to be in life.
Thus far in college I have learned that hardwork always pays off; people have been telling me this all my life, but now I really know. From my college experience I have learned not to over exert myself but to work my hardest because I am the only person standing in the way of my ultimate goal; my college degree. Attending the University of Maryland, College Park has been valuable because being here has helped me to build a certain confidence that I did not previously possess and to think outside of the box to do what I need to do to be successful in life. Being at the University has shown me things that I want to avoid but also things I would like to mimic but make sure I do it better so that one day people will look at me and say, "I want to be like her, but better."
I was shocked when my Broadcasting Announcing and Production professor informed that my Japanese-English accent may lower my grade. I had never imagined that my fluency in my parents’ home language negatively affected to speak my own. Yet I decided to turn my attitude completely around— I worked to improve on my pronunciation. Essentially, my professor had indicated where I needed to enhance my communication skills. Thus, I began recording myself daily reading scripts and listened to my articulation of words. As I continued to listen to my enunciation, I realized my academic goal: I wanted to study Linguistics.
College education allowed me to realize that in the current world, there are people who are still uncertain of how to become competent communicators. As the Vice President of the Japanese English Language Association Club, I developed my own language learning process with other Japanese club members, who had difficulty pronouncing certain words such as "crown." I was exhilarated that my own speaking methods, from a linguistics perspective, were helpful to them. I believe a degree in linguistics is the next step in gaining the knowledge necessary to become a professional speech pathologist and make a difference for future generations.
My college experience has allowed me to begin to piece together who I am as an Individual now becoming a young adult. It has educated me on the resources, contacts, and methods available in order for me to succeed whilst in college and after graduation. I've been exposed to many new cultures and have become more open and excepting of others opinions and out looks on life. The most important thing I have attained is a sense of pride for making it thus far and being on the path to becoming the first female in my family to earn a Bachelor's degree. The University of Maryland is a great school and I'm glad to be TERP!
To this day, I have gotten a great deal of educational, career,social, and life experience from college. College has allowed me to deviate from my small town environment at home, and allowed me to broaden my perspective mentally, educationally and has allowed me to grow socially. I have more knowledge than I ever dreamed of having, and this knowledge has helped me in all aspects of my life. It will help me in the future with my career. Through extracurricular activities, college has allowed me to interact with others on a different level. Extracurricular activities and internships have allowed me to gain life experience through educational and social programs. I've gained knowledge, a greater social life, experience from extracurricular activities and internships, and a college experience I will never forget. Investing in and attending college, has to be the most awarding and valuable thing I have ever done in my life. It has provided me with the skills and tools able to take on the world as a functional and educated member of society. I will take this knowledge and experience and carry them with me for the rest of my life.
In the short time that I have been in college, I have found it very helpful. The professors are much more down to earth and honest it seems with the students. My professors seem to try and connect with us, students, to help us understand what they are asking. Thus making me want to keep going to school and going to class. I value the friendships I have made through my classes I am or have taken. Friendly students, amazing staff, and beautiful campus really makes attending college more enjoyable.
The social maturity that it has given to me. I understand more about myself, what I want and how to get there.