University of Maryland-College Park Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Maryland-College Park know before they start?


College life is a balance: although high school academics seem easy, college academics are completely different. There are many distractions, especially for living on campus, and it is important to get schoolwork out of the way well before any social activities. You'll make plenty of friends, so get ready to be exposed to lots of different backgrounds. Accept others and be aware of differring viewpoints and opinions. Party hard, but study harder, because the next four years will define the rest of your life.


What i'd say to my 9th grade self: make my backpack lighter- don't care about parties- avoid clingy people- study sometimes, it doesn't even take that long- begin writing sooner- establish good sleep- should have been friends with Kun sooner, among others-don't argue ideals, seeing as i rarely managed to convince anyone- why did i take orchestra for 4 years..?- no need to stress about class council fundraising, it'll be sufficient- should have committed to honesty sooner and more intensely- download free beats instead of making terrible garageband ones- my posture was less than ideal- should have built the boat sooner- don't go to senior week.


I would encourage myself to go to a four-year college first. Instead, I went to a two-year college and I feel I sort of lost my way. It would be helpful to tell myself that it is okay to go into a bigger school not knowing what path I would like to take, that I should take general education classes first and see what they have to offer. I would also tell myself to get involved with clubs sooner, because the more people you know, the more help I will get.


If I could go back into time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself numerous things. I attended Boiling Springs High School and graduated the year of 2008 and I still beat myself over my mistakes as a senior. I was a part time worker at Hardees at the time and was working tons of hours to save up for a car. In doing so, I could not focus as much on my school work. As soon as school let out each day, one of my closes friend would take me to work. I did not get off until about 11:00 pm or 12:00 am. Knowing what I know now, I would have took advantage of high school and made sure my GPA stayed above a 3.0. By the time graduation rolled around my GPA dropped to a 2.9. I was very dissappointed because I was no longer able to receive the life scholarship. I wanted to attend a 4-year school but I changed my mind. I thought about having to apply for loans. I would tell myself to put school as my first priority and to stay focus.


I would tell myself to decied which majors I wanted to take earlier so I could make a better four year plan.


change my major focus would be the most important thing i would change


LEARN TIME MANAGEMENT. That skill alone will make college so much easier. Also, be patient finding your niche. It will come, you just have to be brave about looking for it. Seek out club fairs and such on campus, you'll find it soon enough and then you will have the absolute time of your life.


If I knew what I know now I would first tell myself not to rush, take your time. As a senior in high school, I was ready to get out and just start college. I never believed my teachers when they would say, "You don't wanna rush it, believe me it's much easier here." Now, I know what they mean. College take a lot of work, effort, and time. I am not saying that it's not worth because it is an experience I would never want to take back. I have learned so much in one year and looking forward to years to come. I would also tell myself to apply for as many scholarships as possible because paying for college is no joke. Every penny comes. Lastly, I would like to tell myself to join clubs and network more because they make applications to anything look that much better.


Remember what you love to do for fun. Don't just go home after classes in the beginning. Look around and ask questions about clubs. Don't wait for the First Look Fair to join. Don't obsess too much over getting into the business school. Relax and take your time. It will fall into place. Also, fight Dad for that Studio Art degree. You know that's what you really want in college, double major if you have to. Also, don't be afraid to explore subjects that you haven't yet learned. There is so much out there, take it in! But don't overwhelm yourself either. Remember you do have to focus on at least one degree.


Take those AP tutorial and take the test because Its worth the time. Dont forget to apply for scholarships asn do you fasfa on time. Take more notes because you'll need them. Try your best to be organize and turn things on time. College is great but you need to be motivated and have a lot of self disipline.