University of Maryland-University College Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Maryland-University College know before they start?


Because I am attending the University of Maryland University College I was able to be paid more for a job I was already doing. In addition I am able to be home with my daughter at night and do my homework at the same time she does her homework. If I were attending night school there would be at least two nights a week that I would not see my daughter. She is seventeen and going off to college in a year herself. I want an education ad this allows me to pursue that goal without sacrificing my family. I am a single Mom and I am very proud of the way I have raised my daughter and now that she is older I can concentrate more on what I want out of life and still be a good mother to her. I find the classes to be extremely organized and the intructors to be readily available via e-mail.


What I have gotten out of my college experience is that it has given me a sense of appreciation and confidence. Having a bachelor's degree opens doors to many opportunities, whether it be job opportunities or a chance to take my education at the next level. Also, it has been valuable to attend college due to academic and cultural experiences gained . These are xperiences that will last me for a lifetime! More importantly, attending college has allowed me to become a better person overall.


I am just now starting my college experience in the Summer 2010 semester, so at this moment i can not say what i have recieved out of it, but i can tell you what i am hopeing to get and how it will be valuable to me. I am hoping to get a in dept, challenging education that i can take further into a masters and then into a P.sD. The reason that it is valuble to me is because this is my chance to obtain and education and better myself and to work towards a degree in counseling that i will be able to help many indiviuals and give back to the community , and to help those as i have been. I will say i had to overcome a lot of abstacles to get here and it is extremely valuble to me that i am able to have a chance to better myself so i then can help others do the same.


I have learned that I can do it. I can graduate with a four year degree and a good GPA. I am prould to say that I will be able to set an example for my children. They will know when I say you should go to college that it was important enough to me that I worked to finish for 12 years. I have learned better study habits, self motivation, and responsiblity. I have to do the work, and turn it in on time. It is something only I can do.


Since I started attending college I've found a new me that I didn't know exsisted before. I enjoy reading my texts books and discovering information I would have ignored in high school. I have noticed less procrastination in myelf. Since I started college I have seen growth in myself that I wasn't sure I was capable of before. I am more sure of myself and much less timid. I would never replace all the knowledge I have gained for anything. It's priceless to me.


I have only just begun my college education. I have just recently finished my orientation but, what I have learned is that I have the determination to and drive to go forth with it. It is valuable to me to pursue my education so I can better myself. I have put my education on hold for many years for my family and children and it is now my turn to better myself through education.


My college experience has been incredible and allowed me to find myself within a career and educational degree. Obtaining my degree from UMUC has allowed me to stay focused and obtain a career that makes an oustanding salary, interesting and successful. It is extremely valuable to attend college because it allows a student to form their future, construct the path they want to have a successful career and education. Education is the key to success.


My college experience has given me a feeling of self-worth, a craving ambition to obtain a degree to use in job opportunities that awaits me. As far back as I can remember I have had a burning desire to work in either a museum or at an embassy in my local city. One requirement is a history major. I realize that my age (I am 56) might be an obstacle however by going for the gold I am just a year or two away from working in either an embassy or museum. B. C. , (before college) I might as well have been a million miles from a college. Another experience I have seen is my understanding of myself and how I can make or break myself. College keeps me at the ready, keeps my head above water and too, shows me daily what can be instead of what is in my life. Right now my personal life is mentally crippling. It could be said that it is on a downward spiral. I am not so caught up in issues surrounding me but more so looking at the bright future that beckons me closer and closer like a neon light.


I take all my classes online so it is very easy for me to fit finishing my degree into my busy lifestyle.


I've gotten many things out of my college experience and I'm merely a sophomore. I've learned that most students take two roads when first starting college; the first, and the more unfortunate, road is when students enroll in college, join a sorority/fraternity, and completely let their studies become replaces with partying. The second road (the one I'm in) is when students take their studies seriously because they know getting good grades and graduating college are the keys to being succesfull. I've learned to value money because I've had to take out two student loans to pay for school. I've learned how to meet different people and make friends. Also, I've learned that giving 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of your effort in school is more important than wasting this time of my life on partying.