It’s very important that when entering college that you take things slowly and you pick the right amount of classes that you feel that you can handle. You don’t want to feel extremely overwhelmed with the coursework load because students also have jobs and families they to attend too as well. Make sure that the when choosing a school you feel comfortable with the community so that you’re able to get all the right resources you need to succeed. Never feel scared to ask someone for help if needed because there nothing better than asking someone for help who is willing to guide you and help you achieve.
I would say to check the scholarships when you get accepted to colleges, if some of them are without maintaining a GPA, then these are probably better taking these and if you try to apply as a transfer student to those same schoold you will get less money. I would have been better to accept some of the other colleges even though I had a full tuition scholarship to UMASS Boston, as now as they only have a 2 year engineering program, I need to transfer but will get less scholarship money as a Transfer student to most othere schools.
Attend more events and work harder at finding a job on campus instead of just staying unemployed.
Looking back at my high school years, I realize that I didn't take my education as seriously as I should have , at times. I wouldn't really change anything I did as a high school senior because that was my best high school year and I really focused on my college process so that I wouldn't regret any choices later. The only thing I would advise my old self is to stay away from procrastination. In high school it didn't seem like such a big deal because if you looked to your left and right, everyone was doing it ; it was so common that it felt like the normal thing to do. It's something I still struggle with but that I have more control over now because I truly realize the value of my education.
To stay focus, study and work hard because when you work hard it pays off.
When I was in high school getting ready for the big move I became scared and stayed. I wanted to stay home because it was comfortable, I knew what to expect and it was not risky in any way. I completed two years at the community college while working for my current employer. I became lured by money and took on work full time thinking I would be set. Looking back I would tell myself a few things, one do not ever be afraid of taking chances because the bigger the chances the bigger the rewards and that by not making changes it would make it hard for myself to grow. I would tell myself that in the long run the money meant nothing that it had no value and eventually working seems like nothing but a way to collect a paycheck. We spend a good majority of our time working so why not be in a position to love what you do and not have to close any doors but to succeed only as much as you want. I would tell myself that college is the best thing you can do for yourself mentally, financially and professionally.
I would advice myself not to have high expectations for college life because it hard work and not glamarous especially when your a communter. I also would suggest that I apply to more state schools so I could have more affordable options.
“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who are alive.” – Howard Thurman
Senior year, I would need to hear this quote. It means to follow your heart and go with it and everything else will fall into place. I would tell myself to pay attention in senior year to certain topics that interest me, and research to see if I could turn that into a study or profession.
The transition between high school and college may be difficult at first. Organization can be key. I would inform myself to stay on task now that you have more freedom in class and to pay attention every step of the way. Make sure to study for every test even if you know beforehand that a professor will drop one test grade. Always attend class, even when you know all the students will not be present. Professors will pay attention to who comes to class, and you may need their assistance at the end of the semester.
Keep your head up and never get discouraged.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior about college life and making the transition into college I would tell myself just to live life to the fullest, but don’t get in trouble. I have always been shy, but I wish that in the beginning of going to my community college that I had reached out to more people and tried to make new friends. Not to say that I didn’t make new friends because I did, but not until my second year and now I am about to transfer. I would tell myself not to worry about acting cool because college students are pretty chill and accepting of anyone. Hopefully when I transfer to my new college I will not be so shy. Also I would tell myself to make more time for studying. Even though I get great grades I have realized that I can never study enough, and order to succeed in my career field of becoming a veterinarian I need to study constantly. Overall I would tell myself to balance out social and student life because both are important in becoming a well rounded citizen.