the crime rate around the school isnt the greatest but the campus is very safe..that would be the only thing that makes me nervous is walking around at night.
The process of finacial aid
The worst thing about my school is that is very close to so many places were crime our active. I know that crime is everywhere, but I think crime is worse here. The best thing to do is to travel in groups, carry mase or a tazzer, and/or try not to make yourself a target by hanging out at night by yourself with a purse.
I think the worst thing about my school is the advertisements of athletic events. There is none really- especailly for women's sports. I am not an athlete, but I know that they put in hard work and effort to represent their university, and they need to be recognized accordingly. My university in particular has been receiving extra attention because of our extrodinary basketball team; however, we have an awesome volleyball team, but no one knows about it, because it does not get the attention it derserves. Other than this issue, the U of M has been an excellent home.
The wost thing about this school is the overall stigma that it receives for having a very large commuter base and being an urban institution in a historically corrupt and run down city. This stigma detracts many from the area from taking advantage of the truly great and diverse education and resources available through the University of Memphis. People judge it too quickly like a torn up book without ever opening the cover to see what it's like on the inside.
The worst thing about the University of Memphis: the lack of study space. Two semesters ago the campus tore down the University Center (which was where people studied/hung out) but they are rebuilding it. However, since it was torn down people have been cramming into the cafeteria to hang out and study.
It's in Memphis. I like my hometown, but it's not the most exciting place to live. There is a scene, but not like in a city such as New York or DC. It's a good city for those new to city life.
The science department. Most of the professors do not seem to care about the student . They just teach the material, give tests, and don't care if the student understands it or not.
the large class and the work load
The worst thing about the University of Memphis is the limited parking around campus. We have numerous parking lots and parking garages, but unless you have early morning or evening classes it becomes difficult to find a parking space.