I would tell myself not to procratinate, the process for getting into college is timely-definitely not an overnight process. Be knowledgeable about deadlines and start early-(the early bird get the worm). I learned if you start early you can get a lot more accomplished.
I would tell myself to be more focused and prepared because college is not as easy as it always seems, put more of an effort into your work and study more. Take advantage of the tutoring centers and resources available. Try living on campus for the first year to really experience college.
i would tell myself that everything you decide to do in college will affect your life. Be careful of the friends you make and hang out with and be careful of what you do. Also study more than you think you need to. It doesnt hurt to be prepared.
I would remind myslef to not lose who I am trying to fit in with a certain group of people in the college atmosphere. It is easy to be influenced by teachers and peers, and although it is good to let these people enahnce your views and personality, it is not good to let them change who you are completely. Also, keep in mind that the reason that I am at a universty is to become educated, not to become popular or party. Hanging, making new friends, and experiencing new things is part of college life but should not be the main point. Learn, do not just memorize materials discussd in class. Engage myself with the mixture of cultures in each classroom and setting. These are just the main issues I would advise myself on
i wouldtell myself that it isn't going to be easy and i should pay close attention when instructors talk. also, i should not expect anyone to hold my hand.
I would tell myself that live is filled with unexpected events. You have to work as hard as you can. Nothing is going to be given to you and college is nothing like high school. It is a big transition leaving home from your family and friends. Sometimes it can get stressful while in college. You should get involved around campus so you can have fun and make new friends. Also, be watchful for who you assoicate with because you don't want to get it any trouble. Don't make your life full of what if you could have did this or what if you could have done that. Take advantage of oppurtunities and always be ahead. Educate yourself with what school you are considering going to. Know as much as possible, so you can make decisions on where you want to go. Also, look at prices of tuitution and housing. You want to do good your senior year and not slack. You want to make sure you basically live in your counselor's office. To the point where you are in there everyday and always asking questions about scholarships, requirements for the college, and visitation days for college.
You can not goof off like you did in high school. Everything needs to been turned in on time and you submit your best work.
The transition is difficult but it is worth it. It's difficult to move no matter what; it is even more difficult to move when you're leaving your family for the first time, living on your own for the first time, and enrolled in a challenging university. Still, if you persue and set your priorties, the experience is more than worth-while. Take all your classes seriously. The social life will develop and come easily enough.
If I could go back and talk to myself in high school. I would slap myself in the face.!I would look myself straight in the feyes and say, "Chris, this is your education. This is your life, brother! What you are learning now will build upon itself and cumulatively add up to shape your education and personal knowledge as you work and navigate through this world." The thing is I was not a bad student in high school. I made A's and B's. I earned a GPA of 3.4. However, I viewed school as an objective. Almost something I just had to complete and get done with. Study for a test an do well on it, but it didn't matter to me if I retained the information. I just aimed to recieve high marks. Now, I am so eager to learn! I crave knowledge. I have come to learn that life is exactly what you make of it. So, the most valuable thing I can do for myself is learn. The more educated a person becomes the easier their life can become. Thank you for your time and effort!
I think that in order to find the right college for a person, that person should tour as many colleges as possible. Also make sure to do your research as far as statistics go. Don't be afraid to already have a your preference decided as far as what you want from the college of your choice. As far as making the most of a college experience, one should stay on campus. It gives you a direct tour of what goes on in college. As join some social clubs that peaks the interest. Also just have fun and remember that college is a learning process that can be enjoyable yet serious!!!!