University of Miami Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend University of Miami?


very shy people


timid individuals that need external motivation to succeed or socialize.


One who cannot maintain focus and goals, the fast paced learning will wear on some.


Despite the location and wealth of the area, I would say that a student whose only aim is to party it up for four years on their parents' dime should not attend this school. Yes, there is a strong night life here but if partying is your only aim, there is so much in the world of academics, sports, extra-curriculars, service, etc. that you will completely miss out on. If you intend to spend the next 4 years in a drunken stupor, go to a public state school and do it for cheap instead of spending a small fortune.


If you like the seasons, or snow, Miami is not the place for you (though this weather sure isn't difficult to get used to). Also for those who don't like to be surrounded with different cultures and languages, this is not that place for you. If you like to blend in and be like everyone else Miami just wont fit your preferences. Finally, if you're not respectful of everyone, for any reason whatsoever, I would recommend another school.


someone who is outgoing and willing to try new things. They have to be dedicated to their work. They need to know how to time manage their time to party / having fun and working on homework.


Those who do not care about their education.


Anyone that is ultraconservative or not tolerant of other races and cultures.


I think if someones going to go to school and not try and just be lazy and sit around doing nothing then they shouldn't be there in the first place becasue unless you somehow get a very generous lucky break and somehow get rich, education is whats needed for not only that students future but for the future of mankind


A person that closed minded and not willing to accept or adjust to change.