University of Miami Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend University of Miami?


This school has a very weak art program, so if that is your major, this is probably not the best school for you. Also, class sizes are much smaller, so if you prefr large lecture halls, there really aren't much here.


The kind of person that should not attend this school is one who thinks that they will be able to slackoff and be in South Beach everynight. Sure the students here know how to have fun and will go out, but if someone is going to come here just for the nightlife, they will not last.


Those that aren't willingto put in the work to succeed.


Someone with a close mind for opportunity shouldn't attend this school.


Don't come if you can't take the heat or the rain. If you are concerned about falling to social pressures it also may be unwise to attend. If you don't plan to have any school spirit, don't come. If you aren't ready to study more than you ever have before and put it some very long hours, this is not the place for you.


Very self-conscious people. You will get torn apart in Miami.


Miami is the type of school where there's something for everyone and all students can find their place. I would advise against going to Miami only if you're not a fan of warm weather.


Someone outgoing, open-minded, and happy


someone who doesn't want to work and make their education worth it


People who should not attend this school are people who do not like to work. There is a lot of "campus life" and it is easy to get distracted. A perspective student should be able to keep their focus on their academics while balancing their social life.