How hard the classes are - you learn in class but it's your responsibility to actually teach yourself and learn the required material, unlike high school.
I wish I had brought my longboard or bicycle to get around to classes faster and easier. I wish I had known the difference in freshman residential colleges....Hecht is for the party guys and girls and the kids who seem more intent on coming here for the college life and not for the academics. Stanford is generally more for the music students, high academic kids, and generally a less blonde, short dress crowd.
I wish I knew that there were so many scholarships accessible to financially struggling students like me before I came to this university. With that knowledge, I could have possibly applied and obtained more scholarships and saved the funds that I spent on my first semester tuition.
I wish I knew more about the my major, Theatre. I wish I got to meet the professors and leanr more about the department as a whole.
What I wanted to do with my life
I wish I knew how distracting living in dorms can be. I did not come from a neighborhood with many kids my age, so I was unaware of how many things people get together and do instead of study. I wish i formed a habit of going to the library or another quiet place away from home to study. This would have prepared me to distance myself from the distractions for my own good.
I wish I had known that introductory science courses tend to focus on small details (depending on one's professor). I also wish I had known that there was no reason to be nervous, because The University of Miami's students are fun, happy, helpful, friendly, amazing students. I was able to easily make friends and instantly felt at-home on campus.
Before coming to this school I wish I had known about all the majors offered here more indepthly. I wasted a lot of time and credits searching for a major that I felt was right for me.
I wish I would have known how much free time I would have. I would also like to have known more about the student body at the school. Had I known that I would have had more free time I would have applied for a job and thought of ways to utilize my time well. I wish I knew not to procrastinate even though I had mass amounts of free time. Had I known the student body were not as focused on academics as I had imagined, I probably would have gone to a more challenging school.
I wish that I would have known to take as many advanced practice courses as possible (AP classes) while in high school. This would have helped in the heavy load required once enrolled in college. Getting some credits out of the way prior to entering college would have allowed for more focused study time, geared twoards those difficult classes required by the university.