University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about University of Michigan-Ann Arbor? Why?


The weather


The weather in michigan is horrible. I'm much more of a warm weather person.


The worst thing about the school may be its location. University of Michigan is in such a cold region of the United States and it is constantly snowing. We do not have snow days so we must tread through piles of snow during the winter months to get to class. Because of the large physical size of the campus, walking to classes in subzero temperatures can get quite unpleasant. Fortuneately, all the facilities and libraries are well heated,. However, the weather prevents many outdoor events and activities.


Larger lectures hinder individual student-professor interaction, which in turn hinders the student's comprehension of the material.


We are very very elitist at times with the amount of school spirit we have for our football team (as well as other sports like basketball and Michael Phelps also went to our school) and the excellence of our academics.


continuous bing drinking- i wish people liked doing things that didn't always involve drinking!


The difficulty attracts a certain type of students. Consequently social situations are not as diverse or fulfilling as they could be on a more socially diverse campus


Although the size is beneficial overall, it can be a little hard to find your place in the university at first. Also, diversity is present at U of M but it's not necessarily integrated enough for all students to experience it.


The worst thing about Michigan is that it is very segregated. Administration tries so hard to make it a diverse school, and it is, but the students still segregate themselves and often don't step out of their comfort zones. I am guilty of this too.


The worst thing about this school is that it can be difficult to solve administrative problems. Because there are so many students, things must follow procedure and it can be frustrating trying to get things done.